_:Be7e300f886e804f738df229ddf7b1966 "ul. Władysława Warneńczyka 57, Prishtinë" . _:Be7e300f886e804f738df229ddf7b1966 . _:Be7e300f886e804f738df229ddf7b1966 "50.0333624, 22.0480353" . _:Be7e300f886e804f738df229ddf7b1966 "35-064" . _:Be7e300f886e804f738df229ddf7b1966 "województwo podkarpackie" . _:Be7e300f886e804f738df229ddf7b1966 . _:Be7e300f886e804f738df229ddf7b1966 . _:Be7e300f886e804f738df229ddf7b1966 . _:B99aea95485cedb14468fd89cb8791e23 "Nowadays, The State Archive in Rzeszów works on the ground of the The Act on National Archival Records and Archives of July 14, 1983, Journal of Law, (Dziennik Ustaw) No 38, 1983.07.19 with later changes."@eng . _:B99aea95485cedb14468fd89cb8791e23 . _:B6b8672335c49ef082791436bca1085e7 "Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie" . _:B6b8672335c49ef082791436bca1085e7 . _:B0fa0d01bdb5e808027c3a4379fceee14 "The State Archive in Rzeszów" . _:B0fa0d01bdb5e808027c3a4379fceee14 . . _:B6b8672335c49ef082791436bca1085e7 . "The State Archive in Rzeszów came into existence according to the Decree of the Minister of Education from November 10th 1950, however the Archive started work in June 1951. First, the State Archive was located on the attic of the Town Hall, later it was placed temporarily in the Museum building at the Rynek square. The authorities designated the building of former so-called Small Synagogue at Bożnicza street as archival building, but the restoration of the synagogue after the war damages ended in 1961. In the meantime, the archive was downgraded and from 1952 functioned as the Local Branch of the Rzeszów Voivodship Archive in Przemyśl. Only in 1970 the Rzeszów archive became again the Voivodship Archive and the Przemyśl archive – it’s local branch. \r\nMarch 30th 1989 the Head Office of State Archives established the Jewish History Research Centre at the State Archive in Rzeszów.\r\n"@eng . . "sekretariat@rzeszow.ap.gov.pl" . . . . . "Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie" . . . . . "(17) 230-48-08" . _:B99aea95485cedb14468fd89cb8791e23 . . . . . . . . . . . "The State Archive in Rzeszów possesses 3230 collections and archival founds."@eng . . . . _:Be7e300f886e804f738df229ddf7b1966 . . . . . "The access is regulated by Instruction No. 4 of the Head Office of State Archives in Poland, dated February 1, 2013."@eng . "(17) 230-48-28" . _:B0fa0d01bdb5e808027c3a4379fceee14 . . .