_:B386ff88de2974e46224babd27ed76b56 "ul. Ratajczaka 38/40, Warszawa" . _:B386ff88de2974e46224babd27ed76b56 . _:B386ff88de2974e46224babd27ed76b56 "52.40701, 16.92533" . _:B386ff88de2974e46224babd27ed76b56 "61-816" . _:B386ff88de2974e46224babd27ed76b56 "Województwo wielkopolskie" . _:B386ff88de2974e46224babd27ed76b56 . _:B386ff88de2974e46224babd27ed76b56 . _:B386ff88de2974e46224babd27ed76b56 . _:B05a2e82bad8c42cf5ba5618bc302f83d "Poznań University Library" . _:B05a2e82bad8c42cf5ba5618bc302f83d . _:Bc2c6c12d30380cf56eef14a1e6321f80 "Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu" . _:Bc2c6c12d30380cf56eef14a1e6321f80 . . "The Poznań University Library came into existence in 1919 as a part of the University, which was created by Polish authorities. It was risen on the foundations of the Kaiser Wilhelm Bibliothek. The collections of the library were gradually enriched by Polish and European books and periodicals. In 1939 it possessed 5 000 000 volumes (in 1919: 250 000 volumes). In 1941-1945 the library worked as a Staats- und Universitatbibliothek. About 10% of holdings were damaged during the World War II. In 1945 the library revived its work as a Polish institution. In this time it gained 750 000 volumes of various abandoned holdings and numerous special holdings (mainly: old prints and cartographical collections). In 1952 the library was enlarged thanks to relocating of a part of holdings to the new building. In 1961 it was created a network of the Poznań University Library (the main library and departments libraries). In 1968 the freemasonry collection was relocated to the palace in Ciążeń. In 1992, the part of holdings was moved to the new magazines. Nowadays, the library work is based on the modern computer systems of catalogues, databases and exchange of information."@eng . . _:Bc2c6c12d30380cf56eef14a1e6321f80 . "Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu" . _:B386ff88de2974e46224babd27ed76b56 . "library@amu.edu.pl" . . "(61) 829-38-24" . "(61) 829-38-17" . _:B05a2e82bad8c42cf5ba5618bc302f83d .