_:B0c0dcd3a32d7817549ad7b4db2a0ab34 "Nowadays. The branch of the State Archive of the Capital City of Warsaw in Otwock works on the ground of the Act on National Archival Records and Archives of July 14, 1983, Journal of Law, (Dziennik Ustaw) No 38, 1983.07.19 with later changes."@eng . _:B0c0dcd3a32d7817549ad7b4db2a0ab34 . . . . . . . . "Archiwum Państwowe w Warszawie - Oddział w Otwocku" . "The access is regulated by Instruction No. 4 of the Head Office of State Archives in Poland, dated February 1, 2013."@eng . . . . . "apw.otwock@warszawa.ap.gov.pl" . . . . _:B2ecb60092903fe8e7224b3bd7d395aa3 . . . . . "The archive in Otwock came into existence in November 1954 as a County State Archive (a part of Voivodship State Archive in Warsaw). In 1976, according to the reform of state administration, the archive was renamed a branch of the State Archive of Capital City of Warsaw."@eng . . . "(22) 779-38-71" . . . . . _:Bcf2e91a6bfeca68379fad71071620d96 . . . . "The archive in Otwock possesses 483 collections and archival founds, which makes 141446 units and 840 running meters (as for December 31, 2006). For the most part, the documents date from 19th and 20th century. The archive gathers state and local administration documents, as the town records of Otwock 1916-1950, technical documents of Otwock buildings, often designed by famous architects. There are the register books of Catholic and Protestant churches (1910-1990), documents of factories (e.g: factory of cranes in Mińsk Mazowiecki 1880-1960 and K. Rudzki Factory of Bridge Constructions 1880-1914, family documents and photographs, records of schools, banks and financial institutions."@eng . _:Bae7463ce74d7e08f33d7e2cc948107f1 . _:B0c0dcd3a32d7817549ad7b4db2a0ab34 . . . . . . . . _:Bae7463ce74d7e08f33d7e2cc948107f1 "ul. Górna 7, Legnica" . _:Bae7463ce74d7e08f33d7e2cc948107f1 . _:Bae7463ce74d7e08f33d7e2cc948107f1 "52.11004, 21.25958" . _:Bae7463ce74d7e08f33d7e2cc948107f1 "05-400" . _:Bae7463ce74d7e08f33d7e2cc948107f1 "województwo mazowieckie" . _:Bae7463ce74d7e08f33d7e2cc948107f1 . _:Bae7463ce74d7e08f33d7e2cc948107f1 . _:Bae7463ce74d7e08f33d7e2cc948107f1 . _:B2ecb60092903fe8e7224b3bd7d395aa3 "Archiwum Państwowe w Warszawie - Oddział w Otwocku" . _:B2ecb60092903fe8e7224b3bd7d395aa3 . _:Bcf2e91a6bfeca68379fad71071620d96 "Archiwum Państwowe m. st. Warszawy - Oddział w Otwocku" . _:Bcf2e91a6bfeca68379fad71071620d96 "The State Archive in Warsaw: The Otwock Branch" . _:Bcf2e91a6bfeca68379fad71071620d96 "The State Archive of the Capital City of Warsaw: The Otwock Branch" . _:Bcf2e91a6bfeca68379fad71071620d96 .