_:B57dfcf269cc75e1adf928219b9f95272 "ul. Zamkowa 2, skr. poczt. 356, Besançon" . _:B57dfcf269cc75e1adf928219b9f95272 . _:B57dfcf269cc75e1adf928219b9f95272 "50.66764, 17.92132" . _:B57dfcf269cc75e1adf928219b9f95272 "45-016" . _:B57dfcf269cc75e1adf928219b9f95272 "województwo opolskie" . _:B57dfcf269cc75e1adf928219b9f95272 . _:B57dfcf269cc75e1adf928219b9f95272 . _:B57dfcf269cc75e1adf928219b9f95272 . _:B85d7dedacdffb4f5a260fb7ff555e916 "The State Archive in Opole" . _:B85d7dedacdffb4f5a260fb7ff555e916 . _:Bf826ce5387f832cc660cbfcc061673e1 "Archiwum Państwowe w Opolu" . _:Bf826ce5387f832cc660cbfcc061673e1 . "The State Archive in Opole came into existence according to the Decree of the Minister of Education from November 10th 1950, as the County Branch of the State Archive in Katowice. It took over the holdings of the Municipal Archive, stored in the Town Hall. In 1953 the archive became the separate Opole Voivodship Archive, and in 1959 it was relocated to the building at 2 Zamkowa street. After 1990 part of the holdings was transferred to the new building (former fire-station) in Groszowice district of the city."@eng . . . _:B82982fea9c35abb4a2d2ce82fd7a3171 . _:Bf826ce5387f832cc660cbfcc061673e1 . "(77) 454-55-36" . _:B57dfcf269cc75e1adf928219b9f95272 . . "(77) 454-21-12" . . . _:B85d7dedacdffb4f5a260fb7ff555e916 . . "The access is regulated by Instruction No. 4 of the Head Office of State Archives in Poland, dated February 1, 2013."@eng . "The State Archive in Opole possesses holdings making about 7000 running meters. The oldest part of the holding consists of municipal records from Opole and other towns. There are rich collections of documents by German state administration, above all the Opole Regency (Regierung Oppeln) which counts 198 858 units, and Presidium of the Upper Silesia Province (Oberpräsidium der Provinz Oberschlesien). The State Archive gathers also judiciary documents, vital records and notarial files. Post-war documentation contains collections of documents concerning Polish state administration, political parties and economic entities."@eng . "kancelaria@opole.ap.gov.pl" . . . . "Archiwum Państwowe w Opolu" . . . _:B82982fea9c35abb4a2d2ce82fd7a3171 "Nowadays, The State Archive in Opole works on the ground of the The Act on National Archival Records and Archives of July 14, 1983, Journal of Law, (Dziennik Ustaw) No 38, 1983.07.19 with later changes."@eng . _:B82982fea9c35abb4a2d2ce82fd7a3171 .