_:B2835df87ef892c9272532a50865e1e48 "The State Archive in Olsztyn: The Nidzica Branch" . _:B2835df87ef892c9272532a50865e1e48 . _:Be05812b6de7ed4516cca86a8fdfb4bdb "Archiwum Państwowe w Olsztynie - Oddział w Nidzicy" . _:Be05812b6de7ed4516cca86a8fdfb4bdb . "The archive in Nidzica came into existence in 1988 as a branch of Olsztyn State Archive. In 1997-2017 in its building was also located the stock (Ekspozytura) of the State Archive of Capital City of Warsaw established according to the Decree of Chief-Director of State Archives."@eng . "(89) 625-33-14" . _:Bb7334e8c79c84d92e0d80758958189af . _:B2835df87ef892c9272532a50865e1e48 . . "apw.nidzica@interia.pl" . _:Baf4f9b83d70279348f4012ad41f5df36 . . "Archiwum Państwowe w Olsztynie - Oddział w Nidzicy" . "The access is regulated by Instruction No. 4 of the Head Office of State Archives in Poland, dated February 1, 2013."@eng . _:Be05812b6de7ed4516cca86a8fdfb4bdb . . "The archive in Nidzica possesses 229 collections and archival founds, which makes 21 848 units and 255,25 running meters (as for December 31 2008). The documents date from 1945 to the present time. The branch of Olsztyn State Archive in Nidzica gathers the following kinds of documents:\r\n- records of general administration and self-government institutions.\r\n- records of special administration and judiciary.\r\n- records of credit institutions, factories and cooperatives.\r\n- records of youth organizations \"Służba Polsc\").\r\n"@eng . _:Baf4f9b83d70279348f4012ad41f5df36 "Nowadays. The branch of Olsztyn State Archive in Nidzica works on the ground of the Act on National Archival Records and Archives of July 14, 1983, Journal of Law, (Dziennik Ustaw) No 38, 1983.07.19 with later changes."@eng . _:Baf4f9b83d70279348f4012ad41f5df36 . _:Bb7334e8c79c84d92e0d80758958189af "ul. Jagiełły 2a, Jindřichův Hradec" . _:Bb7334e8c79c84d92e0d80758958189af . _:Bb7334e8c79c84d92e0d80758958189af "53.35831, 20.42664" . _:Bb7334e8c79c84d92e0d80758958189af "13-100" . _:Bb7334e8c79c84d92e0d80758958189af "województwo warmińsko-mazurskie" . _:Bb7334e8c79c84d92e0d80758958189af . _:Bb7334e8c79c84d92e0d80758958189af . _:Bb7334e8c79c84d92e0d80758958189af .