. . . . _:B9a3fd161cff58492804155774ca1c58a . . . . _:B008ff31eb7b793e935f5211aad234c0b . . . . . . . "Oddziałowe Archiwum Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Lublinie" . . . "obuiad.lublin@ipn.gov.pl" . _:B05a27e6ac6215ff25078a11b9e8c30f1 . "(81) 536-34-11" . . "The archive possesses about 3 running kilometers of collections and archival founds. There are two kinds of holdings:\r\n1) The files holdings:\r\n- General files of Voivodship Militia Offices in Lublin, Biała Podlaska, Chełm and Zamość.\r\n-\"Auxilliar\" files of Security Service (Służba Bezpieczeństwa - SB) in Lublin, Biała Podlaska, Zamość and Siedlce.\r\n- Registration files of suspected people and preparatory proceedings (Lublin and Zamość).\r\n- Documentation of underground military troops after 1945.\r\n- Files of people who disclosed themselves, according to amnesty in 1947.\r\n- Files are concerning of the following organizations: Home Army (AK), Liberty and Independence (WiN), National Military Forces (NSZ), The Peasants' Battalions (BCh) and the Ukrainian Uprising Army (UPA).\r\n- Files of functionaries of Militia and SB.\r\n- The passport files.\r\n2) The records holdings:\r\n- Records of civilian secret service (operation, administrative, personal, passport and defence records).\r\n- Records of of civil judicial institutions (records of the Voivodship Public Prosecutor' s Offices in Lublin and Siedlce, the District Public Prosecutor's Office in Hrubieszów, The Voivodship Courts in Zamość and Lublin, the District Courts in Biłgoraj, Chełm, Krasnystaw, Lublin, Siedlce, Tomaszów Lubelski, Włodawa and Special Court in Lublin.\r\n- Records of military judicial institutions (records of Military District Court in Lublin, Military Court of Polish Railways (PKP), Military Prosecutor's Offices.\r\n- Records of the Prison Service.\r\n- Records of public administration's institutions (the District Commission on Investigation of Crimes against Polish Nation (Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu) in Lublin, Voivodship Religious Denominations Office (Urząd ds. Wyznań) in Lublin and Chełm).\r\n- Records of social and political organizations: The National Revival Movement (Pariotyczny Ruch Odrodzenia Narodowego - PRON), Commissions of\"Solidarnoś\" trade union, The Society of Children - War Victims from Zamość region.\r\nThe archive also stores the photographs, maps and unofficial publications.\r\n "@eng . . . . . _:B18ca33f83c3b93360e4435188c815515 . . . . . "(81) 536-34-12" . . "The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) - Branch in Lublin. Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of Archival Records was created in 2000. In 2016 it was renamed the Branch Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance in Lublin."@eng . _:B05a27e6ac6215ff25078a11b9e8c30f1 "The Branch Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance in Lublin" . _:B05a27e6ac6215ff25078a11b9e8c30f1 . _:B008ff31eb7b793e935f5211aad234c0b "The Branch Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance in Lublin works on the ground of the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance of December 18, 1998, Journal of Law (Dziennik Ustaw) 07.63.424 with changes and the Act on Reveal of Information about Secret Service's Documents from 1944-1990, Journal of Law (Dziennik Ustaw) 07.63.425 with changes. "@eng . _:B008ff31eb7b793e935f5211aad234c0b . _:B18ca33f83c3b93360e4435188c815515 "Oddziałowe Archiwum Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Lublinie" . _:B18ca33f83c3b93360e4435188c815515 . _:B9a3fd161cff58492804155774ca1c58a "ul. Szewska 2, Mikulov" . _:B9a3fd161cff58492804155774ca1c58a . _:B9a3fd161cff58492804155774ca1c58a "51.25048, 22.56533" . _:B9a3fd161cff58492804155774ca1c58a "20-086" . _:B9a3fd161cff58492804155774ca1c58a "Województwo lubelskie" . _:B9a3fd161cff58492804155774ca1c58a . _:B9a3fd161cff58492804155774ca1c58a . _:B9a3fd161cff58492804155774ca1c58a .