_:B8626072da584ec196795ab779b78bd2e "ul. 3 Maja 1, Kamieniec Ząbkowicki" . _:B8626072da584ec196795ab779b78bd2e . _:B8626072da584ec196795ab779b78bd2e "99-400" . _:B8626072da584ec196795ab779b78bd2e "województwo mazowieckie" . _:B8626072da584ec196795ab779b78bd2e . _:B8626072da584ec196795ab779b78bd2e . _:B8626072da584ec196795ab779b78bd2e . _:B7b76fa7156a5a60686a83d16aad3086f "Archiwum Państwowe m. st. Warszawy - Oddział w Łowiczu" . _:B7b76fa7156a5a60686a83d16aad3086f "The State Archive in Warsaw: The Łowicz Branch" . _:B7b76fa7156a5a60686a83d16aad3086f "The State Archive of the Capital City of Warsaw: The Łowicz Branch" . _:B7b76fa7156a5a60686a83d16aad3086f . . . _:B8626072da584ec196795ab779b78bd2e . . . . _:B89183b699444e75c4e6ee8b718c9ab33 . "apw.lowicz@warszawa.ap.gov.pl" . "(46) 837-39-86" . "The archive in Łowicz came into existence according to the Decree of the Minister of Education from July 21 1950 as a branch of Voivodship State Archive in Łódź. In 1976, according to the reform of state administration, the archive became a branch of Voivodship State Archive in Skierniewice. From 1985 the archive in Łowicz became a branch of the State Archive of the Capital City of Warsaw."@eng . . . . "(46) 837-39-86" . . "Archiwum Państwowe w Warszawie - Oddział w Łowiczu" . . . "The archive in Łowicz possesses 278 collections and archival founds, which makes 53745 units and over 600 running meters from 17th century to the present time. There are: municipal records of Łowicz, documents of guilds, documents of state and local administration, schools, prison, judiciary and registry offices. The most valuable collection is a legacy of Władysław Tarczyński (1845-1918). It consists of documents concerning history of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, national insurrections and local history."@eng . . . . _:B7b76fa7156a5a60686a83d16aad3086f . . . _:B6cc2ca8360e1e0d8f73ed5531a01cff6 . "The access is regulated by Instruction No. 4 of the Head Office of State Archives in Poland, dated February 1, 2013."@eng . _:B89183b699444e75c4e6ee8b718c9ab33 "Nowadays. The branch of Warsaw State Archive in Łowicz works on the ground of the Act on National Archival Records and Archives of July 14, 1983, Journal of Law (Dziennik Ustaw) No 38, 1983.07.19 with later changes."@eng . _:B89183b699444e75c4e6ee8b718c9ab33 . _:B6cc2ca8360e1e0d8f73ed5531a01cff6 "Archiwum Państwowe w Warszawie - Oddział w Łowiczu" . _:B6cc2ca8360e1e0d8f73ed5531a01cff6 .