_:B49edd3b7830ff2b8ac194c1312a38d22 "Archiwum Państwowe w Lublinie - Oddział w Kraśniku" . _:B49edd3b7830ff2b8ac194c1312a38d22 . . . . . . . "(81) 825-66-14" . . . . . . . _:Bbc1f77c013699b60f0e6177cf167f4ae . _:B16b49077d07ec51abb1bd7280af2d337 . . . . _:B49edd3b7830ff2b8ac194c1312a38d22 . . . . . . . "Archiwum Państwowe w Lublinie - Oddział w Kraśniku" . "The access is regulated by Instruction No. 4 of the Head Office of State Archives in Poland, dated February 1, 2013. "@eng . . . . . . "The archive in Kraśnik possesses 236 collections and archival founds, which makes 58 540 units and 492 running metres. It gathers records of the following institutions: villages and local communities (1864-1954) - 31 founds, villages' councils (Gromadzkie Rady Narodowe) - 76 founds, towns councils (1950-1973): Biłgoraj, Bełżyce, Janów Lubelski, Kraśnik, Opole Lubelskie and Poniatowa - 7 founds, records of Biłgoraj and Kraśnik County (1944-1950), County Councils (Powiatowe Rady Narodowe): Bełżyce, Biłgoraj, Janów Lubelski, Kraśnik and Opole Lubelskie 1950-1975, 5 founds. judiciary documents. Courts in Biłgoraj, Kraśnik, Opole Lubelskie i Tarnogród, records of factories and schools."@eng . . . . . "(81) 825-66-14" . . . . "The archive in Kraśnik was created in 1955 as a County State Archive in Kraśnik. In 1976, according to the reform of state administration, the archive became the branch of Voivodship State Archive in Lublin (after 1983: the Lublin State Archive)."@eng . "krasnik@lublin.ap.gov.pl" . . . _:B308f6cf5fc1db9322a89c1c00030f75d . . . . _:B308f6cf5fc1db9322a89c1c00030f75d "Nowadays. The branch of Lublin State Archive in Kraśnik works on the ground of the Act on National Archival Records and Archives of July 14, 1983, Journal of Law, (Dziennik Ustaw) No 38, 1983.07.19 with later changes."@eng . _:B308f6cf5fc1db9322a89c1c00030f75d . _:Bbc1f77c013699b60f0e6177cf167f4ae "The State Archive in Lublin: The Kraśnik Branch" . _:Bbc1f77c013699b60f0e6177cf167f4ae . _:B16b49077d07ec51abb1bd7280af2d337 "ul. Kardynała Wyszyńskiego 2, Sieradz" . _:B16b49077d07ec51abb1bd7280af2d337 . _:B16b49077d07ec51abb1bd7280af2d337 "23-210" . _:B16b49077d07ec51abb1bd7280af2d337 "województwo lubelskie" . _:B16b49077d07ec51abb1bd7280af2d337 . _:B16b49077d07ec51abb1bd7280af2d337 . _:B16b49077d07ec51abb1bd7280af2d337 .