_:B15b9a21676003ba8c70de98198fbf2e3 "Nowadays. The Archive of Jagiellonian University works on the ground of the Jagiellonian University Statute from 7.06.2006 with later changes (Resolutions the Jagiellonian University' Senate: No 42/VI/2007 from 27.06.2007, No 55/X/2007 from 31.10.2007 and 44/X/2008 from 8.10.2008). "@eng . _:B15b9a21676003ba8c70de98198fbf2e3 . _:Bbe8f8e524855c8ff4b7483f1a4f214ae "Archive of the Jagiellonian University" . _:Bbe8f8e524855c8ff4b7483f1a4f214ae . _:Bb19f859f97aa623760dc84cc3c7e4c55 "Al. Mickiewicza 22, Esztergom" . _:Bb19f859f97aa623760dc84cc3c7e4c55 . _:Bb19f859f97aa623760dc84cc3c7e4c55 "50.06153, 19.92327" . _:Bb19f859f97aa623760dc84cc3c7e4c55 "30-059" . _:Bb19f859f97aa623760dc84cc3c7e4c55 "województwo małopolskie" . _:Bb19f859f97aa623760dc84cc3c7e4c55 . _:Bb19f859f97aa623760dc84cc3c7e4c55 . _:Bb19f859f97aa623760dc84cc3c7e4c55 . _:Bb19f859f97aa623760dc84cc3c7e4c55 . _:Bbe8f8e524855c8ff4b7483f1a4f214ae . . "(12) 663-35-35" . "Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego" . _:B15b9a21676003ba8c70de98198fbf2e3 . "The archive of Jagiellonian University is one of the oldest and the bigger university's archives in the world. It possesses near 6 kilometres collections and archival founds. There are the following kinds of documents: the Chancellor-office records, records of University General Assembly, records of the Senate, departments, colleges, university administration and various foundations. From the 19th century the archive gathers the records of seminaries, institutes, courses, specializations, and documents concerning political and cultural life of academic community. The archive is organized by the following departments: the Department of Old Records (to 1795), the Cepartment of Modern Records (after 1795), the Department of Collegium Medicum Records, the Department of Non-Records Documentation, the Department of Audio- and Visual Documentation. Foremost among the collections in this archive are the following:\r\n\r\n1) Call no. HWU, Hauptabteilung Wissenschaft und Unterricht 1939-1944 (Central Department for Science and Teaching), 146 items. These are fragmentary files relating to the organization and curricula of general and secondary schooling in the GG, \r\n2) Call no. IDO, Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit 1941-1944 (Institute for German Work in the East), 118 items (5.5 linear metres). Among the files preserved in this archive are that of its Zarząd Centralny (Central Board, call no. 1-36), Oddziały Lwowski i Warszawski (its Lwów and Warsaw branches, call no. 37-40), Sekcje: Prehistorii, Historii, Historii Sztuki, Prawa i Administracji, Krajoznawstwa i Geografii Opisowej, Badań Antropologicznych, Etnograficznych i Rasowych (its various sections: Prehistory, History, Art History, Law and Administration, Local History and Descriptive Geography, and Anthropological, Ethnographic and Race Studies, call no. 70-78), as well as correspondence, materials for anthropological research from various villages, a card file of anthropological data from the territory of the GG, its library catalogue, Gospodarstwo i Statystyka (Economy and Statistics), Gospodarstwo Wiejskie (Farming),Leśnictwo (Forestry), Chemia (Chemistry) and a section entitled Wydawnictwa (Publications), \r\n3) Komisja do Opracowania Historii UJ w czasie wojny 1945-1946 (KHUJ, Commission for Compiling the History of the Jagiellonian University during the War), where there are items including the autobiographies and wartime memoirs of employees of various faculties. "@eng . . "archiwum@uj.edu.pl" . _:Bc19df03117bfde12a0d76cc089c180ef . "(12) 663-35-64" . "The archive of Jagiellonian University was created in 14th century. The parchment and paper documents concerning kongs' privileges were saved together with various valuables of the University in the treasury of the Great College (Collegium Maius). In the end of 15th century the archive possessed over 250 parchments. The archive also stored statutes and resolutions of University authorities, letters, sentences of the chancellors' court. During a few centuries the archive was neglected. The sistematization and studying works began in the half of 18th century and it is continuated to the present time. During the World War II the holdings were preserved in the building of the State Archive in Grodzka street and in Tyniec Abbey. "@eng . . _:Bc19df03117bfde12a0d76cc089c180ef "Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego" . _:Bc19df03117bfde12a0d76cc089c180ef .