_:B3911404185df0632d080c73ef63eee93 "Al. Na Stadion 1, Cheb" . _:B3911404185df0632d080c73ef63eee93 . _:B3911404185df0632d080c73ef63eee93 "50.85252, 20.61358" . _:B3911404185df0632d080c73ef63eee93 "25-127" . _:B3911404185df0632d080c73ef63eee93 "Województwo świętokrzyskie" . _:B3911404185df0632d080c73ef63eee93 . _:B3911404185df0632d080c73ef63eee93 . _:B3911404185df0632d080c73ef63eee93 . _:B846f8d8c4c69d6bb3305435168653cf6 "Delegatura Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Kielcach - Wydział Archiwalny" . _:B846f8d8c4c69d6bb3305435168653cf6 . . _:B846f8d8c4c69d6bb3305435168653cf6 . . _:B3911404185df0632d080c73ef63eee93 . . "sekretariat.kielce@ipn.gov.pl" . "Archival resources of the Kielce Delegation contain:\r\n- the materials of the former Security Offices (Urzędy Bezpieczeństwa) and Security Service (Służba Bezpieczeństwa) from the area of the former Kielce and Radom voivodships\r\n- Documents regarding the prison system\r\n- Documents gathered from the military archives (files of the former Military District Court in Kielce, Military District Prosecutor's Office in Kielce, Military Garrison Court in Kielce and Military Garrison Prosecutor's Office in Kielce\r\n- Documents taken over from the Police, created by the Voivodship Headquarters of Citizens' Militia (MO) in Kielce in the years 1944-1983, Voivodship and County Offices of Public Security (WUBP, PUBP) from the Kielce voivodship (years 1945-1954)\r\nCounty Headquarters of MO in the Kielce voivodship\r\nVoivodship Headquarters of MO in Tarnobrzeg and subordinate County Headquarters from Opatów, Sandomierz and Staszów\r\n- Documents concerning passports, created by the Passport Departments of the Voivodship and County MO Headquarters in Kielce.\r\n- Documents transferred from the state archives (files of the former Military District Court and Military Prosecutor's Office in Kielce from 1946-1955).\r\n- Documents taken from the courts and prosecutors' offices, concerning investigations conducted in the years 1949-1997 by the Prosecutors’ Offices in Kielce, Częstochowa, Radom, Jędrzejów, Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Sandomierz and Starachowice, as well as the activity of various criminal, civil and military courts and their legal predecessors in 1945-1989\r\n- Files of the Voivodship Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against the Polish Nation in Kielce gathered in the years 1967-2000, i.a. investigation files, photocopies of German documents regarding executions, pacifications and detainees, photographs, testimonies, general correspondence on cases of crimes, questionnaires regarding places and facts of the crimes prepared by the County Teams of Investigation of Nazi Crimes of the former Kielce voivodship.\r\n- Documents transferred by the archives of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, concerning Civic Militia’s Voluntary Reserve (ORMO)\r\n\r\n"@eng . . . "(41) 340-50-96" . . . _:Bd90090a4a3117c69851b6abbe1cff3de . . . . . . . . . . . "(41) 340-50-50" . . "Delegatura Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Kielcach - Wydział Archiwalny" . . . . . . . . _:Bd90090a4a3117c69851b6abbe1cff3de "Institute of National Remembrance Delegation in Kielce - Archival Department" . _:Bd90090a4a3117c69851b6abbe1cff3de .