_:B0506335f40ccdef5a560deca86de0c92 "Nowadays, The State Archive in Kalisz works on the ground of the Act on National Archival Records and Archives of July 14, 1983, Journal of Law (Dziennik Ustaw) No 38, 1983.07.19 with later changes."@eng . _:B0506335f40ccdef5a560deca86de0c92 . _:B3fee4544a255cf8d5836be1b3dc0ab58 "Archiwum Państwowe w Kaliszu" . _:B3fee4544a255cf8d5836be1b3dc0ab58 . _:Bea4f743c88ffb9b17d611fce7f5a6441 "The State Archive in Kalisz" . _:Bea4f743c88ffb9b17d611fce7f5a6441 . _:B2e7e7620e9b2b89fb8f5eb96e276196e "ul. Poznańska 207, Białystok" . _:B2e7e7620e9b2b89fb8f5eb96e276196e . _:B2e7e7620e9b2b89fb8f5eb96e276196e "62-800" . _:B2e7e7620e9b2b89fb8f5eb96e276196e "województwo wielkopolskie" . _:B2e7e7620e9b2b89fb8f5eb96e276196e . _:B2e7e7620e9b2b89fb8f5eb96e276196e . _:B2e7e7620e9b2b89fb8f5eb96e276196e . . _:B2e7e7620e9b2b89fb8f5eb96e276196e . "sekretariat@archiwum.kalisz.pl" . . . . . . . . . . . "The State Archive in Kalisz possesses 1416 collections and archival founds, which makes 277 256 units and 3295 running meters (as for December 31, 2012). The oldest documents (in the collections of rural estates) come from XVIII century. 70% of all holdings come from the years after 1945. Judicial documents make 52% of the holdings, state administration and local administration documents – 30%, vital records – 6%. The archive gathers also the documents created by financial institutions, cooperatives, associations and parties, guilds, trade unions, churches, as well as the private persons.. "@eng . . . . . . _:B3fee4544a255cf8d5836be1b3dc0ab58 . "Archiwum Państwowe w Kaliszu" . "(62) 767-10-22" . "The access is regulated by Instruction No. 4 of the Head Office of State Archives in Poland, dated February 1, 2013."@eng . "The state archive in Kalisz was created for the first time in 1825 under the name of the Archive of Historical Records (Archiwum Akt Dawnych), later it was dissolved in 1876, and the documents transferred to Warsaw. The town archive was destroyed in 1914 because of burning of the town by German army. The State Archive in Kalisz was reopen in 1920 but it was liquidated in 1926, and the documents were again transferred to Warsaw and Poznań. \r\nFinally the Kalisz archive came into existence in 1950, according to the Decree of the Minister of Education, as the County Branch of the Poznan State Archive. In started work 1950, however the Archive started work in March 1951 as the Kalisz County State Archive. In 1958 it was relocated to the building of the former Jesuit college. In 1959 it was reorganized again into the Local Branch of the Poznan State Archive.\r\nIn 1976, according to the reform of state administration, the archive became the Kalisz Voivodship State Archive, and in 1983, according to the Act on National Archival Records and Archives, it was renamed the State Archive in Kalisz. It relocated twice, in 1990 and in 2004.\r\n"@eng . . _:B0506335f40ccdef5a560deca86de0c92 . . . _:Bea4f743c88ffb9b17d611fce7f5a6441 . . . "(62) 767-10-22" .