_:B049347333b785bc17679ecc70b4b0d40 "Klooster 12, Jerusalem" . _:B049347333b785bc17679ecc70b4b0d40 . _:B049347333b785bc17679ecc70b4b0d40 "52.25329, 6.15263" . _:B049347333b785bc17679ecc70b4b0d40 "7411 NH" . _:B049347333b785bc17679ecc70b4b0d40 "Overijssel" . _:B049347333b785bc17679ecc70b4b0d40 . _:B049347333b785bc17679ecc70b4b0d40 . _:B049347333b785bc17679ecc70b4b0d40 . _:Bd9154491d77b150b27a0f045214f1116 "Stadsarchief Deventer" . _:Bd9154491d77b150b27a0f045214f1116 . "contacthco@historischcentrumoverijssel.nl" . _:Bd9154491d77b150b27a0f045214f1116 . "+31 (0)85 - 48 85 000" . . . . "Since the Middle Ages, the archive has not only preserved the written records of the work of the city council, but also the archives of many Deventer families, institutions, organisations, churches and companies. It not only forms the basis for a good administration of the municipality, but is also a source of first-hand knowledge of the history of the city and region.\r\n\r\nIn 1999, the organisations of the Municipal Archives and the Athenaeum Library were merged. In 2003, new integrated reception rooms and study rooms for archive and library visitors were built in the completely renovated Klooster 12 building. The Athenaeum Library was one of sixteen public libraries in the Netherlands with a scholarly support function under the name Plus Library."@eng . _:B049347333b785bc17679ecc70b4b0d40 . . . "info@collectieoverijssel.nl" . "Stadsarchief Deventer" .