_:B54d9edbf21ac3272de7137ef884a973e "Drents Archief" . _:B54d9edbf21ac3272de7137ef884a973e . _:B101509e8fdbf07ff0f95ea4f99fb118e "Drenthe Archives" . _:B101509e8fdbf07ff0f95ea4f99fb118e . "The Drents Archief, however limited, holds a number of archives concerning the Second World War, namely: the Collection of World War II and the archives of the Central Refugee Camp Westerbork, Fonds Herbouw Boerderijen and and Agriculture and Society archives.\r\n\r\nSince 2013 the Drents Archief houses the Oorlogs Informatiecentrum Drenthe (War Information Center Drenthe) (OICD). The collection of this institute is still under construction.\r\n Municipalities and water boards also feature archival material on the the Second World War. A review of the records of a number of municipalities in Drenthe can be found at [DrentsArchiefnet](http://www.drentsarchiefnet.nl/).\r\n\r\nThe library of the Drents Archief holds publications about the Second World War, particularly about the events in Drenthe. The library catalog can be consulted [here](http://www.drentsarchief.nl/onderzoeken/bibliotheek)."@eng . . . . . . . _:B4ef28f1cb189dd1babfc95f9c336e2f4 . . _:B54d9edbf21ac3272de7137ef884a973e . . . . _:B101509e8fdbf07ff0f95ea4f99fb118e . . . . . . . "+(31) (0)592 - 313523 " . "Drents Archief" . "info@drentsarchief.nl" . "Photocopies of original records may be obtained by contacting to the reading room staff, through appropriate application forms. Copies are collected at the reception, this is also where you can pay for the copied materials."@eng . . . . . . . "At the first visit to the Reading it is compulsory to register. Moreover, if you want to consult the archival records, you are obliged to request the Drenthe Archive Card. To apply for a Archive Card you need to identify yourself with a valid ID. After completion of the data, the record card is created. Subsequently, you must show the record card, after which the you are registered for that day.\r\n\r\nTo apply for original records the visitor must the appropriate automated application system, unless otherwise specified. There is a maximum of 5 materials per request."@eng . _:B4ef28f1cb189dd1babfc95f9c336e2f4 "Brink 4, Bratislava" . _:B4ef28f1cb189dd1babfc95f9c336e2f4 . _:B4ef28f1cb189dd1babfc95f9c336e2f4 "52.99348, 6.56452" . _:B4ef28f1cb189dd1babfc95f9c336e2f4 "9401 HS" . _:B4ef28f1cb189dd1babfc95f9c336e2f4 . _:B4ef28f1cb189dd1babfc95f9c336e2f4 . _:B4ef28f1cb189dd1babfc95f9c336e2f4 .