_:Bfdd3212953c57d9cad14f03f13689beb "The institution Archives du Maroc was created by virtue of Law No. 69-99 on archives, promulgated on 30 November 2007.\r\n\r\nMissions:\r\n- To promote and coordinate the programme for the management of current and intermediate archives of State services, local authorities, public establishments and companies and private bodies responsible for the management of a public service;\r\n- To safeguard and promote the development of the national archival heritage; \r\n- To establish the standardisation of practices of collection, sorting, elimination, classification, description, preventive conservation, restoration and substitution of archival media;\r\n- To promote the field of archives through scientific research, professional training and international cooperation. "@eng . _:Bfdd3212953c57d9cad14f03f13689beb . "The Archives of Morocco currently provide you with a rich and varied collection: \r\n\r\n- Historical public archives mainly concerning the period of the French Protectorate in Morocco.\r\n- Archives of private origin entrusted to the Archives of Morocco by individuals to ensure the inventory, treatment, conservation and consultation by the public.\r\n- Reports from the Centre des Hautes Etudes Administratives sur l'Afrique et l'Asie Modernes (CHEAM) and publications from the Section Historique du Maroc.\r\n\r\nAt the Archives of Morocco, the collections are regularly enriched. New collections are made available to users as soon as they are processed."@eng . _:Bfdd3212953c57d9cad14f03f13689beb . "Archives du Maroc" . _:Bce4e3300b313b82c0556971ed2931d43 . "If you are a group of pupils, students, professionals or private individuals and you would like to discover Archives of Morocco up close, please make an appointment.\r\n\r\nIf you are doing research and would like to access our archives, please go to the consultation room. Do not forget to bring an identity document and to read the consultation rules.\r\n\r\nIf you are a public or private organisation and you need to know more about our services, ask for a visit adapted to your needs.\r\n\r\n[Inscription Form](https://www.archivesdumaroc.ma/ArchivesDuMaroc/media/ArchivesDuMaroc/Files/Formulaire-de-demande-d%e2%80%99adhesion-a-Archives-du-Maroc-(2).docx?ext=.docx&disposition=attachment)\r\n\r\n[Consultation Room Rules](https://www.archivesdumaroc.ma/ArchivesDuMaroc/media/ArchivesDuMaroc/Files/Reglement-de-la-salle-de-consultation_1.pdf?ext=.pdf&disposition=attachment)"@eng . "+212 (0)5 37 68 35 45" . . . "+212 (0)5 37 77 66 85" . _:Bc3877d63cc93543269a3ca58cac40e44 . . "secretariat@archivesdumaroc.ma" . "Archives du Maroc was established as a strategic public institution in 2012."@eng . _:Bce4e3300b313b82c0556971ed2931d43 "5 Avenue Ibn Battouta BP 764, Trondheim" . _:Bce4e3300b313b82c0556971ed2931d43 . _:Bce4e3300b313b82c0556971ed2931d43 "10080"^^ . _:Bce4e3300b313b82c0556971ed2931d43 "Rabat-Salé-Kénitra" . _:Bce4e3300b313b82c0556971ed2931d43 . _:Bce4e3300b313b82c0556971ed2931d43 . _:Bce4e3300b313b82c0556971ed2931d43 . _:Bc3877d63cc93543269a3ca58cac40e44 "Archives du Maroc" . _:Bc3877d63cc93543269a3ca58cac40e44 .