_:Bb7a4fae3722a69acf10b6d3c6ff79e7d "Žygimantų 1, Słupsk" . _:Bb7a4fae3722a69acf10b6d3c6ff79e7d . _:Bb7a4fae3722a69acf10b6d3c6ff79e7d "54.68811, 25.28748" . _:Bb7a4fae3722a69acf10b6d3c6ff79e7d "1102"^^ . _:Bb7a4fae3722a69acf10b6d3c6ff79e7d . _:Bb7a4fae3722a69acf10b6d3c6ff79e7d . _:Bb7a4fae3722a69acf10b6d3c6ff79e7d . _:B4f28517f3764783f14f0aaa48994d24e "The objectives of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences - Manuscripts Department are as follows:\r\n\r\n- To amass, catalogue, preserve, study, and publicise the documentary heritage kept in the department’s holdings\r\n\r\n- To make manuscripts and other archival materials available to the library’s users\r\n\r\n- To advisie readers about documents kept in the department\r\n\r\n- To participate in national and international projects on documentary heritage."@eng . _:B4f28517f3764783f14f0aaa48994d24e . . . "The manuscripts kept in the department’s holdings as of 2010 are divided into 395 collections. The majority of the manuscripts are from the 16th–20th centuries; the oldest one dates back to the 11th century. Most documents are in Latin, Ruthenian, Polish, Russian, or German, and from the late 16th century also in Lithuanian. They reflect the history of the present-day Republic of Lithuania, Belarus, Northern Poland, and Eastern Prussia.\r\n\r\nThe most valuable and compact sets of documents are:\r\n\r\n- the parchment collection (1421 unit, the 12th–20th century)\r\n- former stocks of church institutions (e.g., the archive of Vilnius Cathedral Capitula and part of Archepiscopal archives, 1387– 20th century)\r\n- the Vilnius Evangelical Reformers Synod Archive (16th–20th century)\r\n- archive of the dwindling community of Karaimes, a Turkish ethnic group living in Lithuania (17th–20th century)\r\n- part of the archive of the Sapiehas, magnates of the GDL (17th–19th century)\r\n- fragments of Lithuanian manorial archives (15th–20th century)\r\n- archives of Lithuanian national organisations and newspapers editorial boards that were active in the Vilnius region at the period of the annexation by Poland (1920–1939)\r\n- Ecclesiastical and other Russian manuscript books (11th–19th century)\r\n- collections of hand-drawn psalm books illustrations and Lithuanian artists’ drawings\r\n- archives of professors of the old Vilnius University\r\n- various collections of documents related to the political, economic, and cultural life of 16th–20th-century Lithuania\r\n- archives of prominent 20th-century Lithuanian scientists, members of the Academy, writers, architects, etc."@eng . . "+370 5 262 36 67" . . _:B4f28517f3764783f14f0aaa48994d24e . _:Bb7a4fae3722a69acf10b6d3c6ff79e7d . . . . . . "Lietuvos Mokslų Akademijos Vrublevskių Biblioteka - Rankraščių skyrius" . . "For reading room regulations, see:\r\n\r\nhttp://www.mab.lt/en/195/departments/department-manuscripts"@eng . "kuliesiene@mab.lt" . _:Bb74619c5b17570a3c7fa4e346b077e48 . . . . "The manuscripts may be copied in accordance with the Library‘ policies:\r\n\r\n1. Documents presented for copying have to be in a good or satisfactory shape.\r\n\r\n2. Documents from the Manuscript Department may be copied only with the permision in writing from the Director.\r\n\r\n3. The customer has to indicate the purpose of copying (research, publication or other).\r\n- In order to protect from damage such items as restored documents, old books (pre-XIX c.), photo documents (pre-1960), rare manuscripts (pre-XX c.), old periodicals (pre-XX c.), hard bound or large format periodicals (pre-1945) , it is permitted only to photograph, make microfilms or digitize them.\r\n- Copying using personal printing equipment is prohibited."@eng . _:Bd6fc5afb5df5466f7a72c9bd8a25d490 . _:Bb74619c5b17570a3c7fa4e346b077e48 "Lietuvos Mokslų Akademijos Vrublevskių Biblioteka - Rankraščių skyrius" . _:Bb74619c5b17570a3c7fa4e346b077e48 . _:Bd6fc5afb5df5466f7a72c9bd8a25d490 "The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences - Manuscripts Department" . _:Bd6fc5afb5df5466f7a72c9bd8a25d490 .