_:B910116a389a4a47561fb908c127ff733 "Via Dogana, 3, Udine" . _:B910116a389a4a47561fb908c127ff733 . _:B910116a389a4a47561fb908c127ff733 "45.46324, 9.18882" . _:B910116a389a4a47561fb908c127ff733 "20123"^^ . _:B910116a389a4a47561fb908c127ff733 "Lombardia " . _:B910116a389a4a47561fb908c127ff733 . _:B910116a389a4a47561fb908c127ff733 . _:B910116a389a4a47561fb908c127ff733 . _:B70c7e2c70959f8b1d6f8c2402f0d269f "Foundation for the Memory of Deportation. Library Archive Pina and Aldo Ravelli" . _:B70c7e2c70959f8b1d6f8c2402f0d269f . _:Bbcead73bc298e53a44b4c80aabc85019 "Fondazione Memoria della Deportazione. Biblioteca Archivio Pina e Aldo Ravelli" . _:Bbcead73bc298e53a44b4c80aabc85019 . . . . . . _:Bbcead73bc298e53a44b4c80aabc85019 . . . "Fondazione Memoria della Deportazione. Biblioteca Archivio Pina e Aldo Ravelli" . _:B910116a389a4a47561fb908c127ff733 . . . . "The Fondazione Memoria della Deportazione Archive keeps documentations produced by ANED - Associazione Nazionale Ex Deportati and personal fond produced by some relevant figures who survived the nazi-deportation from Italy. Together with letters and papers, the Archive holds also photographic and audio and visual materials produced by the ANED in the course of its activities devoted to the preservation of the historical memory of the nazi persecution."@eng . "390287383240"^^ . . _:B70c7e2c70959f8b1d6f8c2402f0d269f . . . "segreteria@fondazionememoria.it" . "+39 02 87383246" . _:B71758002035ae7fcb9dbc460e8c5b9ab . _:B71758002035ae7fcb9dbc460e8c5b9ab "Centro Studi e Documentazione sulla Resistenza e sulla Deportazione nei lager nazisti ONLUS" . _:B71758002035ae7fcb9dbc460e8c5b9ab .