_:B63467c84086bf8b60ca59ec85aece2e7 "108, Alenby St., Elsternwick (Melbourne)" . _:B63467c84086bf8b60ca59ec85aece2e7 . _:B63467c84086bf8b60ca59ec85aece2e7 "32.06487, 34.77224" . _:B63467c84086bf8b60ca59ec85aece2e7 "61026"^^ . _:B63467c84086bf8b60ca59ec85aece2e7 "Tel Aviv" . _:B63467c84086bf8b60ca59ec85aece2e7 . _:B63467c84086bf8b60ca59ec85aece2e7 . _:B63467c84086bf8b60ca59ec85aece2e7 . _:B7a1d2f3ec5b7948c6919958656b8c2dc "Hitachdut Olej Jugoslavija" . _:B7a1d2f3ec5b7948c6919958656b8c2dc "Hitachdut Oley Yugoslavia" . _:B7a1d2f3ec5b7948c6919958656b8c2dc . _:B39a5cd78bb661ed9467bc9cd25f695fb "Organization of Immigrants from Yugoslavia, Jerusalem-Archives" . _:B39a5cd78bb661ed9467bc9cd25f695fb . "+972-3-5606749" . "Organization of Immigrants from Yugoslavia, Jerusalem-Archives" . "​This collection of documents and data about Jews and Jewish life in the territories which constituted the state of Yugoslavia (from December 1918 to 1991) was initiated by Ethel and Jakir Eventov in Haifa. It contains material from all the areas in which Jews lived, i.e. Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia, in 120 registered communities. It forms part of the Hitachdut Oley Yugoslavia (Association of Jewish immigrants from Yugoslavia). After the deaths of the Eventovs, the archives were moved to Jerusalem and have been in association with the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP) since April 1986. The Archives consist of 115 indexed archival boxes, a library and a collection of photographs. They also hold a set of pre-Holocaust Jewish periodicals published in Yugoslavia. The holdings are roughly divided into the following three main categories: 1) Communal and Zionist entities, 2) papers and notes on subjects of Jewish concern, 3) personal files (including ketubot, diplomas and genealogical data). They include some original material, correspondence, photocopies of official and internal sources, mostly concerning pre-Holocaust events, some of them pertaining to the 19th century. There are files which contain evidence on personalities, rabbis, economic and social activities and information regarding Jewish participation in patriotic wars, and, particularly, in the anti-Fascist partisan movement during World War II. They also hold records and notes on archeological sites of the ancient period (1st-3rd centuries) as well as catalogues and publications on the medieval site of Čelarevo, near Bačka Palanka."@eng . _:B39a5cd78bb661ed9467bc9cd25f695fb . . . . _:B63467c84086bf8b60ca59ec85aece2e7 . . "+972-3-5606749" . _:B7a1d2f3ec5b7948c6919958656b8c2dc .