_:B06b792ac3a955631b4f3bb09f6ea3d34 "Moreshet,Mordechai Anielevich Memorial/בית עדות ע\"ש מרדכי אנילביץ" . _:B06b792ac3a955631b4f3bb09f6ea3d34 . "+972-4-6309204" . "danmoreshet@gmail.com" . . "+972-6-6309305" . _:B06b792ac3a955631b4f3bb09f6ea3d34 . "Moreshet,Mordechai Anielevich Memorial/בית עדות ע\"ש מרדכי אנילביץ" . "The Moreshet archive holds a vast body of testimonies – personal and collective, that had been collected in the years following the liberation and later on. Many of these unique and rare documents have yet to be studied and published.\r\n \r\nIn the Moreshet archive there is also a significant collection of visual materials: fiction and documentary films on the Holocaust, documentation of journeys to Poland, Holocaust memorial ceremonies and academic conferences. There are hundreds of audio-tapes with recordings of Holocaust survivors telling their stories.\r\nAmong the unique documents preserved in the Moreshet archive, there are many relating to the underground movement that operated in the Vilna ghetto, the pioneer underground in Hungary, and documentation of the Slovakian revolt and others that deal with the support and rescue of Jewish refugees during and after the war. Another interesting section in the archive is a collection of more than a hundred personal diaries written during the war, giving a direct view of experiences and feelings of their writers. Yet another fascinating collection is of arts and craft works that survived the war."@eng . . "machon.moreshet@gmail.com" . "+972-6-6309275" . "The Moreshet archive is part of Moreshet, Mordechai Anielevich Memorial Holocaust Study and Research Center, a center for the study and research of the Holocaust and Antisemitism, founded in 1961 by a group of Holocaust survivors, many of whom were fighters in the ghettos and Partisans."@eng . . . _:B88facc26ed6938330a2f5567315d2dc7 . _:B88facc26ed6938330a2f5567315d2dc7 "D.N. Menashe, Morayfield" . _:B88facc26ed6938330a2f5567315d2dc7 . _:B88facc26ed6938330a2f5567315d2dc7 "32.45722, 35.02086" . _:B88facc26ed6938330a2f5567315d2dc7 "3785000"^^ . _:B88facc26ed6938330a2f5567315d2dc7 "Haifa" . _:B88facc26ed6938330a2f5567315d2dc7 . _:B88facc26ed6938330a2f5567315d2dc7 . _:B88facc26ed6938330a2f5567315d2dc7 .