_:Bc84fe4292281be5ef1a31cdbffd4621f "Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives" . _:Bc84fe4292281be5ef1a31cdbffd4621f . _:Bab078441478f120ed5484f460ae55b5c "Arany János u. 32, Budapest" . _:Bab078441478f120ed5484f460ae55b5c . _:Bab078441478f120ed5484f460ae55b5c "47.51552, 19.19323" . _:Bab078441478f120ed5484f460ae55b5c "H-105" . _:Bab078441478f120ed5484f460ae55b5c . _:Bab078441478f120ed5484f460ae55b5c . _:Bab078441478f120ed5484f460ae55b5c . _:Bab078441478f120ed5484f460ae55b5c . _:Bc84fe4292281be5ef1a31cdbffd4621f . _:B5dc63f6453198ad421e6874d8ffc50e3 . . . "The Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives (OSA) at Central European University (CEU) is a complex archival institution. OSA is both a repository of important collections, primarily related to the history of the Cold War and grave international human rights violations, and a laboratory of archival experiments on new ways of assessing, contextualizing, presenting, and making use of archival documents."@eng . "Open Society Archives" . . . _:B5dc63f6453198ad421e6874d8ffc50e3 "Open Society Archives" . _:B5dc63f6453198ad421e6874d8ffc50e3 .