_:B477a23e6717200f54514ec51c4f0492e "Hungarian National Archives Pest County Archives" . _:B477a23e6717200f54514ec51c4f0492e . _:B0aa17a35cfe43b00289d446ea0cf87e7 "Vágóhíd u. 7. , Bad Langensalza" . _:B0aa17a35cfe43b00289d446ea0cf87e7 . _:B0aa17a35cfe43b00289d446ea0cf87e7 "47.4734399, 19.08108" . _:B0aa17a35cfe43b00289d446ea0cf87e7 "1097"^^ . _:B0aa17a35cfe43b00289d446ea0cf87e7 "Budapest" . _:B0aa17a35cfe43b00289d446ea0cf87e7 . _:B0aa17a35cfe43b00289d446ea0cf87e7 . _:B0aa17a35cfe43b00289d446ea0cf87e7 . . "pestmlev@t-online.hu" . . _:B7b0dcc3615fbcd7510183665c056f09a . . . . . . . . . _:B477a23e6717200f54514ec51c4f0492e . . "The first data regarding the development of an archive and the separation of private and public related documents in Pest-Pilis-Solt County dates back to 1657."@eng . "The archival collection of the Pest County Archives consist of over 20 000 meters of archival records. The feudal age documents of the county municipal authorities up to the year of 1848 will be detailed individually, within the main archives, furthermore the larger and more significant settlements will also be introduced individually, namely the archival documents of the following ones: the towns of Nagykőrös, Szentendre, Cegléd, Kiskunlacháza and Ráckeve, and the municipality of Törökbálint. The abundance of documents preserved make it possible to describe guilds of long past of the settlement Nagykőrös. There is also a well-detailed reviewer about the Chapter of Vác."@eng . "36 1 455 9050, 36 1 215 6948" . . "Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Pest Megyei Levéltára" . . . "36 1 455 9053" . _:B0aa17a35cfe43b00289d446ea0cf87e7 . "Pest County "@eng . . . . . _:B7b0dcc3615fbcd7510183665c056f09a "Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Pest Megyei Levéltára" . _:B7b0dcc3615fbcd7510183665c056f09a .