_:B29d65556421899deab37d77026e71b3c "29, Tsimiski avenue, Písek" . _:B29d65556421899deab37d77026e71b3c . _:B29d65556421899deab37d77026e71b3c "GR 54624" . _:B29d65556421899deab37d77026e71b3c . _:B29d65556421899deab37d77026e71b3c . _:B29d65556421899deab37d77026e71b3c . _:Bd34ea22583e265831cbf78bb87613a3b "Εμπορικό και Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο Θεσσαλονίκης" . _:Bd34ea22583e265831cbf78bb87613a3b . _:B29d65556421899deab37d77026e71b3c . "By application"@eng . "302310370166"^^ . _:Bef3f5b41b16b7e94b6b49ec310f0abe0 . . "root@ebeth.gr" . "By appointment"@eng . "302310370100"^^ . . "Εμπορικό και Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο Θεσσαλονίκης" . _:Bd34ea22583e265831cbf78bb87613a3b . "The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Thessaloniki (TCCI) is established in 1918. Its operation begins in 1919. The TCCI is the second Chamber in Greece in terms of size and its contribution in the development of the country until now is very important.\r\nThe history of the TCCI is closely related with that of the region: the establishment of the Thessaloniki International Fair, the modernization of Thessaloniki Port Authority and of the Free Zone in it, the foundation of the Merchandise Stock Exchange of Thessaloniki, the operation of a middle Commercial School, the foundation of the Superior Industrial School of Thessaloniki (the current University of Macedonia)."@eng . "Since its operation in 1919, the TCCI holds records of its members, thus creating a unique archive of the economical and business activity of the city."@eng . . . _:Bef3f5b41b16b7e94b6b49ec310f0abe0 "Thessaloniki's Chamber of Commerce and Industry" . _:Bef3f5b41b16b7e94b6b49ec310f0abe0 "Emporiko kai Viomechaniko Epimeleterio Thessalonikes" . _:Bef3f5b41b16b7e94b6b49ec310f0abe0 .