_:B83d8ffb675811bc8c96923925b756a65 "Departmental Archives of the Eure-et-Loir" . _:B83d8ffb675811bc8c96923925b756a65 . _:B3b8e1bff88beb1f0a029e83e0b8f6869 "Esplanade Martial Taugourdeau Pont de Mainvilliers , München" . _:B3b8e1bff88beb1f0a029e83e0b8f6869 . _:B3b8e1bff88beb1f0a029e83e0b8f6869 "28300"^^ . _:B3b8e1bff88beb1f0a029e83e0b8f6869 "Grand Est" . _:B3b8e1bff88beb1f0a029e83e0b8f6869 . _:B3b8e1bff88beb1f0a029e83e0b8f6869 . _:B3b8e1bff88beb1f0a029e83e0b8f6869 . _:B87665c8069910767821900632ef7b504 "The management of archives must be done in compliance with the regulations. Until its eventual elimination or transfer to the competent public archive service, any document (or data) is placed under the responsibility of the service that produced it (Code du patrimoine, art. L212-4).\r\n\r\nAs a department of the Eure-et-Loir General Council, the Departmental Archives are responsible for\r\n\r\n- Controlling the archives produced by all the department's administrations (Prefecture, Departmental Council, town halls, hospitals) and public officers (notaries, bailiffs).\r\n- Collecting the public archives of the administrations and institutions present in the department, as well as private archives from companies, individuals, associations, etc. ....\r\n- Classify the documents and draw up finding aids describing the collections and facilitating consultation.\r\n- To conserve and preserve the collections in order to pass them on to future generations.\r\n- Communicate the documents because the archives must remain alive by being consulted: welcoming the public, guiding them in their research, but also promoting the archives through publications, exhibitions, educational workshops and conferences."@eng . _:B87665c8069910767821900632ef7b504 . _:B71255ba7a092a3df40283b9e64fe4fcb "Archives départementales de l'Eure-et-Loir" . _:B71255ba7a092a3df40283b9e64fe4fcb . _:B87665c8069910767821900632ef7b504 . "+33 2 37 36 88 79" . "The Martial Taugourdeau esplanade is a private road, located on the border of Chartres and Mainvilliers, serving a group of administrative and cultural services of the Eure-et-Loir Departmental Council."@eng . "The documents kept by the Departmental Archives are organised into six categories:\r\n\r\nArchives collected during the Revolution: administrations and courts abolished from 1790, religious establishments whose property was confiscated at the same time, and feudal archives.\r\nThe archives of public bodies present in the department from 1790 to the present day: General Council, State services, courts, etc.\r\nCivil status registers older than seventy-five years.\r\nThe archives of notaries, who, since 1979, have been obliged to deposit their archives older than seventy-five years with the Departmental Archives.\r\nThe archives of municipalities and public hospitals in the department that choose to deposit them with the Departmental Archives.\r\nArchives of private origin, but of public interest, which are given to the Departmental Archives as a gift or deposit. Thus, family, seigniorial or state-owned archives, archives of companies, associations or personalities may be kept."@eng . . "+33 2 37 88 82 20" . . . "Archives départementales de l'Eure-et-Loir" . "archives@eurelien.fr" . _:B83d8ffb675811bc8c96923925b756a65 . _:B71255ba7a092a3df40283b9e64fe4fcb . _:B3b8e1bff88beb1f0a029e83e0b8f6869 .