_:B2979b9f7b6fa2abe0aa7b0feefe2ce46 "The Departmental Archives collect, classify, conserve, communicate and promote the documents produced in the Department since the 12th century. Thanks to the wealth of their collections, they are the living memory of the written, illustrated, audio and audiovisual heritage of Lot-et-Garonne."@eng . _:B2979b9f7b6fa2abe0aa7b0feefe2ce46 . _:Ba1217c754317b0211ddf50df1cc04b75 "3 place de Verdun, Bad Pirawarth" . _:Ba1217c754317b0211ddf50df1cc04b75 . _:Ba1217c754317b0211ddf50df1cc04b75 "44.198727, 0.616302" . _:Ba1217c754317b0211ddf50df1cc04b75 "47922"^^ . _:Ba1217c754317b0211ddf50df1cc04b75 "Nouvelle-Aquitaine" . _:Ba1217c754317b0211ddf50df1cc04b75 . _:Ba1217c754317b0211ddf50df1cc04b75 . _:Ba1217c754317b0211ddf50df1cc04b75 . _:B19ae59ddad013739af1e2cd0af28c8fd "Departmental Archives of the Lot-et-Garonne" . _:B19ae59ddad013739af1e2cd0af28c8fd . _:B0fae7bb70f45c210007e6404de32de3c "Archives départementales de Lot-et-Garonne" . _:B0fae7bb70f45c210007e6404de32de3c . "Any document can be photographed by the reader him- or herself, with a camera without a flash, as long as the reader takes care to respect its physical condition.\r\nIt can also be digitised in-house, with a deadline for completion. As this service is subject to [a charge](https://archivesdepartementales.lotetgaronne.fr/archives-pratiques/informations-pratiques/reproduire-et-reutiliser-les-archives), an estimate including the different proposals according to the importance and format of the document is submitted for your acceptance.\r\nThe reader can also obtain a photocopy of certain original documents. However, documents in poor condition, bound documents, sealed or unsealed parchments, engravings and drawings, tracings and peelings, stapled documents and all those exceeding A3 in size are excluded.\r\nIn addition, prints of already digitised collections can be obtained."@eng . _:B0fae7bb70f45c210007e6404de32de3c . _:Ba1217c754317b0211ddf50df1cc04b75 . . "Consultation of the archives is free and open to all. On your first visit to the Archives, simply register as a reader by presenting an identity document with a photo. You will then be given a personal reader's card. You will use this card to make your requests.\r\n\r\nWhen you register, you agree to comply with the conditions of use set out in the reading room rules.\r\nThe reading room supervisor will guide you in your research and help you to familiarise yourself with the resources and research tools available. But be careful, he/she is not supposed to do the research for you!\r\n\r\nIt is possible to connect a laptop.\r\nPeople who do not live in the Lot-et-Garonne department can reserve their place. Due to the limited capacity of the room, reservations can only be made for one session per day (either in the morning or afternoon)."@eng . . "+33 (0)" . "+33 (0)" . _:B2979b9f7b6fa2abe0aa7b0feefe2ce46 . "Archives départementales de Lot-et-Garonne" . "archives@lotetgaronne.fr" . . "The Departmental Archives of Lot-et-Garonne were created during the Revolution to collect in Agen, the departmental capital, the papers of the Ancien Régime institutions which had been abolished and the sequestered archives of the emigrants and the clergy.\r\nSince then, they have continued to grow thanks to the deposits made by the department's administrations, the deposits of the communes, and donations or deposits from individuals.\r\n\r\nCurrently 17 kilometres of archives are kept in the shops of the two sites.\r\nInitially housed in the former Cordeliers convent, the departmental archives were transferred to the prefecture in 1810 until 1904, when it was decided to build a new building on the Place de Verdun to house them."@eng . _:B19ae59ddad013739af1e2cd0af28c8fd . "In addition to the compulsory and statutory deposits of public archives produced in the department, there are also deposits, donations, legacies and purchases of private archives of interest to the history of the department (individuals, families, associations, companies, trade unions, etc.) as well as a rich library specialising in local history (books and periodicals)."@eng .