_:B8b6bbd3943e58e4eea588b96ce1d023c "Departmental Archives of Haute-Savoie" . _:B8b6bbd3943e58e4eea588b96ce1d023c . _:B8b6bbd3943e58e4eea588b96ce1d023c . "+33 04 50 66 70 49" . . . "+33 04 50 33 20 80" . . "You may photograph documents that can be consulted freely in the reading room yourself, provided that you do not use a flash.\r\n\r\nYou may use the Archives' reproduction service from time to time, up to a limit of 100 images per year, for documents in good physical condition and smaller than A3. This reproduction can take the form of digital files or paper prints. [This is a paying service](https://archives.hautesavoie.fr/data/tarifs_reproductions_1.pdf). "@eng . _:B9825e783ed882acb8ffe4b9168eab103 . "Archives départementales de Haute-Savoie" . "Would you like to have documents prepared for the day of your visit? You can reserve from 1 to 3 documents in advance until 4pm the day before your visit.\r\n\r\nPlease note: due to their large number, cadastral matrices cannot be reserved but must be ordered on the spot when you come.\r\n\r\nRegistration in the reading room is free of charge and open to all, upon presentation of an identity document. You can prepare your registration by filling in this form.\r\n\r\nThe use of the cloakroom and the lockers for bags, satchels and other items is compulsory."@eng . "Created in 1861, the Departmental Archives have been part of the Department since 1986. They collect, classify, preserve, communicate and promote the written memory of Haute-Savoie.\r\n\r\nMore than 26 linear kilometres of documents dating from the 11th century to the present day are preserved in the Departmental Archives, and 500 linear metres are added each year: paper and electronic archives of administrations, local authorities and notaries, as well as private archives (families, companies, associations, etc.), not forgetting prints, photographs, postcards, posters, press collections and the historical library. "@eng . "communication@hautesavoie.fr" . _:Bfecdb5df65f658abbf0a0b15b2b907cb . _:Bfecdb5df65f658abbf0a0b15b2b907cb "37 bis, avenue de la Plaine, Stuttgart" . _:Bfecdb5df65f658abbf0a0b15b2b907cb . _:Bfecdb5df65f658abbf0a0b15b2b907cb "74000"^^ . _:Bfecdb5df65f658abbf0a0b15b2b907cb "Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" . _:Bfecdb5df65f658abbf0a0b15b2b907cb . _:Bfecdb5df65f658abbf0a0b15b2b907cb . _:Bfecdb5df65f658abbf0a0b15b2b907cb . _:B9825e783ed882acb8ffe4b9168eab103 "Archives départementales de Haute-Savoie" . _:B9825e783ed882acb8ffe4b9168eab103 .