_:B902ecd4f971726c7022a0892d79ee8a2 "81 route de Pessan BP 21, Lienz" . _:B902ecd4f971726c7022a0892d79ee8a2 . _:B902ecd4f971726c7022a0892d79ee8a2 "43.63996, 0.59833" . _:B902ecd4f971726c7022a0892d79ee8a2 "32001"^^ . _:B902ecd4f971726c7022a0892d79ee8a2 "Occitanie" . _:B902ecd4f971726c7022a0892d79ee8a2 . _:B902ecd4f971726c7022a0892d79ee8a2 . _:B902ecd4f971726c7022a0892d79ee8a2 . _:B674f9bd5ea20207e1e4d63e52fa8347c "Departmental Archives Gers" . _:B674f9bd5ea20207e1e4d63e52fa8347c . "archives32@gers.fr" . _:B902ecd4f971726c7022a0892d79ee8a2 . . "The public room is open free of charge.\r\n\r\nHowever, access to the reading room is subject to prior registration, which is renewable every year.\r\nAll new readers must register at the reception desk and prove their identity by presenting an official identity document with a photograph.\r\nA reader's card, valid for the current calendar year, is issued.\r\nThe reader's card is compulsory for access to the reading room.\r\n\r\nBefore entering the reading room, readers must leave their personal belongings in lockers.\r\nTransparent bags are provided to enable users to carry objects strictly necessary for consulting documents: pencils, loose-leaf paper, computers and photographic equipment without a cover. The use of pencil cases and their contents: ballpoint pens, ink pens, white-out pens, glue or any object that may cut or damage documents (scissors, cutters, liquids) is prohibited in the reading room. At the end of each working session, users are asked to return the bags provided.\r\n\r\nThe use of mobile phones is permitted but the device must be switched to silent mode.\r\n\r\nThe documents consulted must be handled with care; it is forbidden to lean on them or to use them as a support or underhand, to annotate or highlight them, to corner or mark them, to bend or twist them, to put them on the floor or on the knees, to put one's fingers to one's mouth to turn the pages.\r\nThe order of the documents within each item must be respected. Under no circumstances may a document be removed from its file: any anomaly within a bundle must be reported to the staff of the Archives départementales.\r\nAny damage to a public archive document may render the author liable. Readers are liable to prosecution in the event of damage to or theft of documents (articles 311-4-2, 322-2, 322-3-1, 322-4, 322-13 and 433-4 of the Criminal Code).\r\nIt is forbidden to smoke, drink or bring in animals (except for assistance dogs for the visually impaired) or solid or liquid food. On the first floor, a convivial area is available for readers to have a snack.\r\nPublic access to the conservation shops, work areas and technical rooms is prohibited."@eng . "The right of access under the French Heritage Code (Articles L 213-1 to L 213-4) only gives rise to a right to reproduce a document insofar as this does not harm its preservation (Article L 311-9 of the Code of relations between the public and the administration). As far as possible, it is recommended that you take notes when consulting original documents.\r\nAny reproduction is subject to the authorisation of the chairperson and must not damage the document or alter its form.\r\nPhotocopies are made exclusively by the staff of the departmental archives according to the possibilities of the service. In the event of heavy traffic, photocopying may be deferred.\r\nRequests for photocopies must concern a limited and precise number of documents and pages. The Departmental Archives' digitisation workshop can make digital reproductions of documents for the public.\r\nReproductions are invoiced according to the rates listed in [the appendix to the regulations](https://www.archives32.fr/services-proposes/). Postage costs, if any, are also payable by the applicant.\r\n\r\nReaders may photograph documents themselves. The use of flash photography is prohibited, as is the use of scanners, mini-copiers, USB keys or disks or any other computer storage equipment."@eng . _:B674f9bd5ea20207e1e4d63e52fa8347c . "The Departmental Archives of the Gers were established by the law of 5 brumaire an V (26 October 1796), prescribing the transfer to the chief town of each department of the archives kept in the districts (circumscriptions that preceded the arrondissements). [Read more...](https://www.archives32.fr/histoire-des-archives/)"@eng . _:B3b8f2f1404bd0a50daf72cda7478e12d . "Archives départementales du Gers" . . "+33 (0)5 62 67 47 67" . . _:B3b8f2f1404bd0a50daf72cda7478e12d "Archives départementales du Gers" . _:B3b8f2f1404bd0a50daf72cda7478e12d .