_:Ba7cb774e9675344a01dd801c0f823d03 "The mission is to preserve the collective memory of the Ardennes and make it available to all. This mission is divided into five actions: control, collection, classification, conservation and communication of archives. [Read more...](https://archives.cd08.fr/article.php?larub=6&titre=les-missions-des-archives)"@eng . _:Ba7cb774e9675344a01dd801c0f823d03 . _:B7ca154ea18e1201a25331e70c3c10ed8 "Archives Départementales des Ardennes" . _:B7ca154ea18e1201a25331e70c3c10ed8 . _:B7fa74b3b7dafaac03c56fb93c1c99ab4 "10 rue de la Porte de Bourgogne, Wien" . _:B7fa74b3b7dafaac03c56fb93c1c99ab4 . _:B7fa74b3b7dafaac03c56fb93c1c99ab4 "49.7595502, 4.7231401" . _:B7fa74b3b7dafaac03c56fb93c1c99ab4 "8000"^^ . _:B7fa74b3b7dafaac03c56fb93c1c99ab4 "Grand Est" . _:B7fa74b3b7dafaac03c56fb93c1c99ab4 . _:B7fa74b3b7dafaac03c56fb93c1c99ab4 . _:B7fa74b3b7dafaac03c56fb93c1c99ab4 . _:B84277322d4c6c34a7b80dc44abe57f4b "Departmental Archives of the Ardennes" . _:B84277322d4c6c34a7b80dc44abe57f4b . "Reproduction of original documents is only possible if the condition of the document, the binding, the format (less than 30 x 40 cm), and the handling allow it. Reproduction is carried out by the staff after agreement with the room supervisor, either by means of a traditional photocopier (flat documents) or by means of a digital photograph (bound documents).\r\n\r\n[Tariffs](https://archives.cd08.fr/_depot_ad08/cms/articles/2601/tarifs-des-prestations_doc.pdf)"@eng . "archives@cd08.fr" . . "+33 (0)3 24 57 40 06 " . "Access to the reading room of the Departmental Archives is subject to the presentation of an identity document (national identity card, valid passport, driving licence) which allows you to register. A reader's card will be issued free of charge. The presentation of this card, which has a barcode, is a condition for the communication of documents.\r\n\r\nBefore entering the reading room, it is compulsory to deposit personal belongings (outdoor clothing, bags, panniers, etc.) in a locker provided for this purpose, which can be used for a fee of €1.\r\n\r\nAll readers visiting the Departmental Archives undertake to respect the rules of the reading room.\r\n\r\nThe archives are communicated to the public in accordance with the rules of communicability prescribed by the Heritage Code, modified by law n° 2008-696 of 15 July 2008.\r\n\r\nThe library's books can be consulted on site only.\r\nThe number of articles communicated is limited to ten per half-day and per reader, not including microforms in usual form.\r\n\r\nMicrofilmed documents (civil status, parish registers, press, etc.) are only made available in this form. A fleet of 6 microfilm readers is available to the public. The Archives do not lend microfilms between repositories."@eng . . _:B7ca154ea18e1201a25331e70c3c10ed8 . . "Archives Départementales des Ardennes" . _:Ba7cb774e9675344a01dd801c0f823d03 . "For general information on the holdings of the archive, please click [here](http://archives.cg08.fr/article.php?larub=18&titre=presentation-des-fonds)."@eng . _:B7fa74b3b7dafaac03c56fb93c1c99ab4 . _:B84277322d4c6c34a7b80dc44abe57f4b . "The Departmental Archives have been a service of the Departmental Council since 1986."@eng .