_:B77332899548a852cf26a3782c049729d . _:Bae145ef97711d4d4733625d75570f82a . _:B3e7773bc386c2d4299d8fd502de9bd70 . "renseignement@civs.gouv.fr" . "Among others contains restitution- and/or compensation-related materials: CIVS; Closed and ongoing files; Information on archives found in\"Guide to searching the Archives on Spoliations and Restitutio\" (2000)"@eng . . "Commission pour l'indeminisation des victimes de spoliations" . "+ 33 (0)1 42 75 68 32" . . _:B5aff43297fd2f41a9a65bf6d2f8c76f7 . "+ 33 (0)1 42 75 68 97" . . _:B3e7773bc386c2d4299d8fd502de9bd70 "Commission pour l'indeminisation des victimes de spoliations" . _:B3e7773bc386c2d4299d8fd502de9bd70 . _:Bae145ef97711d4d4733625d75570f82a "20 avenue de Ségur, Nijverdal" . _:Bae145ef97711d4d4733625d75570f82a . _:Bae145ef97711d4d4733625d75570f82a "48.8506924, 2.3086215" . _:Bae145ef97711d4d4733625d75570f82a "75007"^^ . _:Bae145ef97711d4d4733625d75570f82a . _:Bae145ef97711d4d4733625d75570f82a . _:Bae145ef97711d4d4733625d75570f82a . _:B77332899548a852cf26a3782c049729d "CIVS" . _:B77332899548a852cf26a3782c049729d . _:B5aff43297fd2f41a9a65bf6d2f8c76f7 "Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliation Resulting from the Anti-Semitic Legislation in Force during Occupation" . _:B5aff43297fd2f41a9a65bf6d2f8c76f7 .