Thüringisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar an entity of type: CorporateBody

Thüringisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar 
The Archives were founded in 1547. Since 1951 they were considered the"Thüringisches Landeshauptarchi" (having jurisdiction over the State Archives of Altenburg, Gotha, Greiz, Meiningen, Rudolstadt, Sondershausen). It was later renamed after reunification in 1991"Thüringisches Hauptstaatsarchiv" Since 1990 the responsibility of the Haupstaatsarchiv is mainly for the upper and lower state authorities as well as their subordinate authorities. 
+49 (0) 36 43 / 870-100; (0 36 43) 870-100 [Leitender Archivdirektor] 
+49 (0) 36 43 / 870-170; +49 (0) 36 43 87198-315 [Leitender Archivdirektor] 
The holdings of the Main State Archives include: collections before 1920, the German Reich (1871-1945), State of Thüringen (1920-1952), the SBZ / DDR (1945-1990), district Erfurt, Federal Republic of Germany (since 1990), Freistaates Thüringen (since 1990), non-governmental archival materials (Bestände und Sammlungen), newspapers and official gazettes. The collections overview indicates the presence of relevant archival material (for example, Concentration Camp Buchenwald records - Bestände des Deutschen Reiches). 
Use of the archives for research purposes is possible upon the making of prior arrangements. Further details regarding visit regulations can be viewed online: 

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