_:B410bdd941b9a504d4f31d2ed871a145d "Graf-Schack-Allee 2, Waiblingen" . _:B410bdd941b9a504d4f31d2ed871a145d . _:B410bdd941b9a504d4f31d2ed871a145d "53.62628, 11.41395" . _:B410bdd941b9a504d4f31d2ed871a145d "19053"^^ . _:B410bdd941b9a504d4f31d2ed871a145d "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" . _:B410bdd941b9a504d4f31d2ed871a145d . _:B410bdd941b9a504d4f31d2ed871a145d . _:B410bdd941b9a504d4f31d2ed871a145d . _:B5101aaa2f0b2bd59ce51ab4ac4d4f81b "Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin" . _:B5101aaa2f0b2bd59ce51ab4ac4d4f81b . _:Bb71229b4b4f3c1cf7acb1de0921f4bf3 "Main State Archives of Schwerin, Mecklenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv" . _:Bb71229b4b4f3c1cf7acb1de0921f4bf3 . "Holdings of the Main State Archives include the following collections:Älteres Aktenarchiv (older records), Mecklenburgische Landstände einschließlich ritterschaftliche Grundherrschaften und Landstädte (Mecklenburger estates), Mecklenburg-Strelitz 1701-1933, Mecklenburg Schwerin 1849-1933/Mecklenburg 1934-1945, State of Mecklenburg (-Vorpommern) 1945-1952, Bezirke Schwerin und Neubrandenburg 1952-1990 (districts), Nichtmecklenburgische Behörden und Einrichtungen (other authorities and establishments), maps, pictures, photographs, films and sound recordings"@eng . . "Archival work in the Mecklenburg region can be traced back to the 15th century. Today's archive building (am Burgsee) was designed in 1909-1911 by architect Paul Ehmig. After World War II considerable work was done to return and collect archival materials that were redistributed during the war. Since the re-establishment of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in 1990, holdings of the Archives were significantly enriched through the acquisition of records of dissolved state and economic institutions, former parties and organizations. Since 1 January 2006, the Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin became part of the Landesamt für Kultur und Denkmalpflege."@eng . . "poststelle@lakd-mv.de" . _:Bb71229b4b4f3c1cf7acb1de0921f4bf3 . "Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin" . "+49 (0)385-588794 12" . "Use of the Archives for research purposes is available to the public. Reserving a seat in the reading room is necessary prior to one's visit, and particular documents can additionally be requested in advance."@eng . . _:B5101aaa2f0b2bd59ce51ab4ac4d4f81b . "+49 (0)385-588794 11" . _:B410bdd941b9a504d4f31d2ed871a145d .