_:B1eef8b1455125d233f3a8db249836399 . . "poststelle@stam.bayern.de" . "Use of the Archives is regulated by the Benützungsordnung of 16. January 1990 (GVBl S. 6). Varying regulations apply to individual stocks and records."@eng . "Due to the relocation of much of the archival materials of the Staatsarchiv München during World War II, the Archives did not experience much loss. In 1960 it was renamed Staatsarchiv für Oberbayern and in 1967 the institution moved to its current building. In 1971 the Archives were established as an independent institution under the name\"Staatsarchiv München\" Since 1978, the State Archives also maintain a branch on the Willibaldsburg above Eichstätt."@eng . "Staatsarchiv München" . "089/28638-2539" . . "089/28638-2526" . _:Be9aaa9d8c4014d9281508775ee56509d . _:Bbe97ba9fbdbabf888ecbb96a2782b55f . "The holdings of the Staatsarchiv München are organized into five collections: Old Collections, Collections of the 19th and 20th centuries, National Socialist records, selections and collections, and archival materials from areas that are not themselves archived. The collection of National Socialist documents includes about 2,200 records, 44.5 linear meters, which are mainly Nazi administrative and internal organizational records. Among others contains restitution- and/or compensation-related materials:Bezirksfinanzdirektion München: Prozessakten des Landgerichts München I; Entschädigungsakten des Landesentschädigungsamts; closed files"@eng . . _:Bbe97ba9fbdbabf888ecbb96a2782b55f "Schönfeldstr. 3/Postfach 221152, Sankt Pölten" . _:Bbe97ba9fbdbabf888ecbb96a2782b55f . _:Bbe97ba9fbdbabf888ecbb96a2782b55f "48.146193, 11.58025" . _:Bbe97ba9fbdbabf888ecbb96a2782b55f "80539"^^ . _:Bbe97ba9fbdbabf888ecbb96a2782b55f "Bayern" . _:Bbe97ba9fbdbabf888ecbb96a2782b55f . _:Bbe97ba9fbdbabf888ecbb96a2782b55f . _:Bbe97ba9fbdbabf888ecbb96a2782b55f . _:Be9aaa9d8c4014d9281508775ee56509d "Munich State Archives" . _:Be9aaa9d8c4014d9281508775ee56509d . _:B1eef8b1455125d233f3a8db249836399 "Staatsarchiv München" . _:B1eef8b1455125d233f3a8db249836399 .