_:Bb4dbedc9937888f298d57ebee2f11791 "Central Repository of the State Judicial Administrations" . _:Bb4dbedc9937888f298d57ebee2f11791 "Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen zur Aufklärung nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen" . _:Bb4dbedc9937888f298d57ebee2f11791 "Central Office for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes" . _:Bb4dbedc9937888f298d57ebee2f11791 . _:B1c685ebd29ac4fffc2d99cdfef170cf0 "Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen" . _:B1c685ebd29ac4fffc2d99cdfef170cf0 . "Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen" . . _:B5ceaa3c3b1094dd06f7d1a50285defb5 . "poststelle@zst.justiz.bwl.de" . "+49-7141-49 87 73" . "The Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen (ZStL) was established in Ludwigsburg in 1958. Since 1964 it has been responsible for records of actions committed in connection with World War II within the Federal territory; prior to this it was only responsible for such actions outside. Beginning in September 2004, the Federal Archives display a permanent exhibition regarding Nationalist Socialist crimes and how they are subsequently dealt with."@eng . "Use of the archive materials for research purposes is possible through the Bundesarchiv Agency in Ludwigsburg: https://portal.ehri-project.eu/institutions/de-006145 "@eng . "+49-7141-49 87 70" . . _:Bb4dbedc9937888f298d57ebee2f11791 . _:B1c685ebd29ac4fffc2d99cdfef170cf0 . . "The Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen provides extensive information on the German prosecution and Nazi trial proceedings. Since playing a significant role in some of the Nazi trials and preliminary investigations, the ZSt holds important records. The collections include copies of extensive administrative records of the Nazi era, official statements of suspects, witnesses and victims as well as trial and prosecution records."@eng . _:B5ceaa3c3b1094dd06f7d1a50285defb5 "Schorndorfer Straße 58, Gardelegen" . _:B5ceaa3c3b1094dd06f7d1a50285defb5 . _:B5ceaa3c3b1094dd06f7d1a50285defb5 "48.895512, 9.202991" . _:B5ceaa3c3b1094dd06f7d1a50285defb5 "71638"^^ . _:B5ceaa3c3b1094dd06f7d1a50285defb5 "Baden-Württemberg" . _:B5ceaa3c3b1094dd06f7d1a50285defb5 . _:B5ceaa3c3b1094dd06f7d1a50285defb5 . _:B5ceaa3c3b1094dd06f7d1a50285defb5 .