_:Bdf369abbff6ce88a71dca1b5f22bd6e4 "The Bundeszentralkartei (BZK) is the central register containing all compensation matters under the Bundesentschädigungsgesetz (BEG), and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia with the Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf – Dezernat 15 (Wiedergutmachung) – by order of the federal State Governments.\r\nThe States that have been charged with implementing the BEG are under an obligation to.make available any data that are necessary for the register.\r\nAt the moment, the BZK consists of about 2 million file cards showing the applicants’ names, the persecutees’ names, if any, the applicants’ or persecutees’ dates of birth, the applicants’ address at that time, the reference number and the responsible Compensation Authority. The cards have been filed solely by the applicants’ or persecutees’ dates of birth, so that in case of a search request it is of special importance to indicate the exact date of birth.\r\nThe BZK is thus able to inform as to whether a certain individual has filed an application for compensation under the BEG with any Compensation Authority and to specify the reference number under which this matter has been dealt with by which Compensation Authority.\r\nOn the basis of an administrative agreement both federal and States authorities and individuals concerned in compensation matters as well as their legal representatives can get information from the BZK. It is permitted to forward data to authorities abroad, provided that such a transmission is necessary for the terms of reference and that is has been internationally stipulated by contract. The information is free of charge.\r\nThe BZK is not in a position to inform you about applications for compensation with regard to certain types of injury or about the outcome of the compensation matter or about the amount of the compensation sums paid. Such information must be obtained from the responsible Compensation Authority where the relevant files are kept."@eng . _:Bdf369abbff6ce88a71dca1b5f22bd6e4 . _:B62f0d4a394e78543542191ace19a7169 . "bzk@brd.nrw.de" . . _:Bdf369abbff6ce88a71dca1b5f22bd6e4 . "0211 475-1500" . "Bundeszentralkartei" . "0211 475-3978" . "0211 475-1501" . _:Bfde9760a927c3339ce996f953b984972 . . . _:B256cf0c90997c1ad2d813ff983bc49c5 . _:B62f0d4a394e78543542191ace19a7169 "Bundeszentralkartei" . _:B62f0d4a394e78543542191ace19a7169 . _:Bfde9760a927c3339ce996f953b984972 "Federal Central Register" . _:Bfde9760a927c3339ce996f953b984972 . _:B256cf0c90997c1ad2d813ff983bc49c5 "Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf, Dezernat 15 (Bundeszentralkartei), Postfach 30 08 65, Grimma" . _:B256cf0c90997c1ad2d813ff983bc49c5 . _:B256cf0c90997c1ad2d813ff983bc49c5 "40408"^^ . _:B256cf0c90997c1ad2d813ff983bc49c5 "Nordrhein-Westfalen" . _:B256cf0c90997c1ad2d813ff983bc49c5 . _:B256cf0c90997c1ad2d813ff983bc49c5 . _:B256cf0c90997c1ad2d813ff983bc49c5 .