_:B44696fac0daa95f4d782089aad4234a5 "Lindenallee 55-57, Hoppegarten" . _:B44696fac0daa95f4d782089aad4234a5 . _:B44696fac0daa95f4d782089aad4234a5 "52.507861, 13.65706" . _:B44696fac0daa95f4d782089aad4234a5 "15366"^^ . _:B44696fac0daa95f4d782089aad4234a5 "Brandenburg" . _:B44696fac0daa95f4d782089aad4234a5 . _:B44696fac0daa95f4d782089aad4234a5 . _:B44696fac0daa95f4d782089aad4234a5 . _:Bcfa59c1761add0082fc6358fd027978a "Bundesarchiv, Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten (Zwischenarchiv)" . _:Bcfa59c1761add0082fc6358fd027978a . "The intermediate archives for supreme state authorities in the Berlin area provide space for 85,000 linear meters of documents. "@eng . _:Bdb52f534e293daba9de9670fac1874cf . "Bundesarchiv, Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten (Zwischenarchiv)" . "+49 (0)3018/7770-0" . . . _:B44696fac0daa95f4d782089aad4234a5 . . _:Bcfa59c1761add0082fc6358fd027978a . . "+49 (0)3018/7770-1810" . "These intermediate/temporary archives, east of Berlin, were set up in 1990. It was initially established as a location to collect archival materials from document centers that had been shut down, administration archives, and offices of the GDR. These materials are no longer there; they have been moved to other branches, mainly to Berlin-Lichterfelde. Today Hoppegarten hosts intermediate archives for supreme federal authorities in the Berlin area and a film depository."@eng . "In general the documents of the intermediate archives are not yet accessible to researchers, as they are still administrative material and subject to protection periods. In cases of exceptional use, the material is usually brought to the reading rooms of the Bundesarchiv in Koblenz or Berlin-Lichterfelde."@eng . "zwarchh@bundesarchiv.de" . _:Bdb52f534e293daba9de9670fac1874cf "Federal Archives, Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten (Intermediate Archives)" . _:Bdb52f534e293daba9de9670fac1874cf .