_:Bd251ca2614d1b1e0c8629dc6f4970b9a "Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz" . _:Bd251ca2614d1b1e0c8629dc6f4970b9a . _:B739938fadb1b2b551bfd5e9ccb90d0b8 "House of the Wannsee Conference" . _:B739938fadb1b2b551bfd5e9ccb90d0b8 . "The main collection within the House of the Wannsee Conference is held in the Joseph Wulf Library, named after Jewish resistance fighter and Auschwitz survivor Joseph Wulf, who was an early advocate of setting up a memorial site there. The documents and records of the library mostly relate to the National Socialist past. Altogether the Library holds 50,000 volumes and 120 journal subscriptions, governmental records on microfilm and microfiche, audio-visual materials and newspapers."@eng . . "info@ghwk.de" . . "49 30 80 50 01 27" . _:B4f2d0231c039a155d312ce4c0f625aa5 . "This house was a former industrialist’s villa built in 1914/15. Between 1941 and 1945 it was used as a conference and guest house for the NSDAP. The well-known Wannsee Conference occurred on 20 January 1942, when members of the NSDAP met to discuss and plan the\"final solution to the Jewish questio\" - namely the murder of the Jews of Europe.In 1992 the Memorial and Educational Site of the House of the Wannsee Conference was inaugurated (on the 50th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference). In 2006 the new permanent exhibit was opened."@eng . "Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz" . "Use of the Joseph Wulf Library is open to the public."@eng . . "49 30 80 50 01 0" . _:Bd251ca2614d1b1e0c8629dc6f4970b9a . _:B739938fadb1b2b551bfd5e9ccb90d0b8 . _:B4f2d0231c039a155d312ce4c0f625aa5 "Am Grossen Wannsee 56-58, Riga" . _:B4f2d0231c039a155d312ce4c0f625aa5 . _:B4f2d0231c039a155d312ce4c0f625aa5 "52.43233, 13.166346" . _:B4f2d0231c039a155d312ce4c0f625aa5 "14109"^^ . _:B4f2d0231c039a155d312ce4c0f625aa5 "Berlin" . _:B4f2d0231c039a155d312ce4c0f625aa5 . _:B4f2d0231c039a155d312ce4c0f625aa5 . _:B4f2d0231c039a155d312ce4c0f625aa5 .