"The Exhibitions and Information Center underneath the Memorial contain valuable resources for victims on the history of the Holocaust as well as individual victims. Both a Yad Vashem portal and a Federal Archive portal are available as part of the exhibition, so that visitors can learn more about individuals affected by the Holocaust."@eng . "info@stiftung-denkmal.de" . . _:B20442df75e199fada5a552b57ac0377e . _:Bdce6be600f583c1ecda26bc8a0402c47 . . "Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas" . "+49 (0)30–26 39 43 0" . "+49 (0)30 - 26 39 43 11 " . _:Bdacbc7913b5ce5675b537d3054306115 . . "+49 (0)30 – 26 39 43 – 20" . "On 25 June 1999 German parliament agreed on the creation of the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin. The foundation was later formed in 6 April 2000 to help with the planning and development of the memorial.Between April 2003 and May 2005 the foundation maintained building responsibilities, and is now responsible for the operation of the monument as a place of remembrance and education. The foundation also manages the memorials to homosexuals and to Sinti and Roma persecuted under National Socialism."@eng . _:Bdacbc7913b5ce5675b537d3054306115 "Georgenstraße 23, Berlin" . _:Bdacbc7913b5ce5675b537d3054306115 . _:Bdacbc7913b5ce5675b537d3054306115 "52.519496, 13.385787" . _:Bdacbc7913b5ce5675b537d3054306115 "10117"^^ . _:Bdacbc7913b5ce5675b537d3054306115 "Berlin" . _:Bdacbc7913b5ce5675b537d3054306115 . _:Bdacbc7913b5ce5675b537d3054306115 . _:Bdacbc7913b5ce5675b537d3054306115 . _:B20442df75e199fada5a552b57ac0377e "Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe" . _:B20442df75e199fada5a552b57ac0377e . _:Bdce6be600f583c1ecda26bc8a0402c47 "Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas" . _:Bdce6be600f583c1ecda26bc8a0402c47 .