_:Bf1232f6cea21ac9ba631ce5e9c20522f "Státní okresní archiv Uherské Hradiště" . _:Bf1232f6cea21ac9ba631ce5e9c20522f . _:Bcf39ddf376e64bbbccc0646f41575179 "State District Archive Uherské Hradiště" . _:Bcf39ddf376e64bbbccc0646f41575179 . "Since 1 August 2002, the State District Archives Uherské Hradiště has been an organizational unit of the Moravian Regional Archive in Brno. The beginnings of the district archive date back to 26 November 1946, when it was established by the District National Committee of Uherské Hradiště pursuant to Section 78 (2) of Act No. 125/20 Coll., On the Organization of Political Administration. "@eng . "soka_uherskehradiste@mza.cz" . _:Bf1232f6cea21ac9ba631ce5e9c20522f . . . . "Státní okresní archiv Uherské Hradiště" . _:B4871e9add8aec7e506ceed977029dec6 . "+420 572 552 757" . "+420 572 552 634" . "The State District Archives Uherské Hradiště collects, keeps records, stores and makes available archival materials arising from the activities of institutions and their predecessors that relate to the territory of the District of Uherské Hradiště."@eng . . _:Bcf39ddf376e64bbbccc0646f41575179 . _:B4871e9add8aec7e506ceed977029dec6 "Velehradská 124, Kutno" . _:B4871e9add8aec7e506ceed977029dec6 . _:B4871e9add8aec7e506ceed977029dec6 "49.07089, 17.46051" . _:B4871e9add8aec7e506ceed977029dec6 "686 01" . _:B4871e9add8aec7e506ceed977029dec6 "Zlínský kraj" . _:B4871e9add8aec7e506ceed977029dec6 . _:B4871e9add8aec7e506ceed977029dec6 . _:B4871e9add8aec7e506ceed977029dec6 .