Communauté Israélite de Lausanne et du Canton de Vaud an entity of type: CorporateBody

Communauté Israélite de Lausanne et du Canton de Vaud 
The Jewish Community of Lausanne and the Canton of Vaud (CILV) is a religious association headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland. Learn more [here]( 
+41 21 341 72 41 
+41 21 341 72 42 
For the list of books available in the library, please consult the list [here]( 
The use of the library is restricted to members of the library. 

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It is founded in accordance with Article 60 and the Swiss Civil Code, and is recognized as an institution of public interest as defined Article 171 of the Constitution Vaudoise. The CILV is a member of the Swiss Federation of Israelite Communities (FSCI)and CICAD. Aims: - To contribute to the maintenance of religious and spiritual life in accordance with the principles of Judaism (Halacha). - To safeguard and defend Jewish interests. - To celebrate Judaism, uphold religious practices, ensure religious instruction, and arrange for Jewish burials. - To create and support all social and religious institutions relating to Judaism. - To participate in inter-religious dialogue. 

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