"+41 (61) 267 8601" . "\r\nIn terms of Jewish-related material, there is a document from 1776 that proves that Johann Rudolf Huber, Altlandvogt of Mendris and citizen of Basel, left the Fruchtberain in Biederthal, inherited from his sister Susanna Huber, widow of bailiff Rohner, to the Jew Raphael Felix of Niederhagenthal."@eng . "\r\nThe oldest document in the State Archive, a monastery charter, dates back to 1098. The city archive was destroyed in the Basel earthquake of 1356. Since then, administrative activities have been closely preserved in most areas. The online archive catalogue offers numerous research options. Selected photographic and film documents as well as some 420,000 pages of written documents can be viewed online via the archive catalogue. The collection holds official documents documenting the coexistence of Jews and Christians in Basel.\r\n\r\n[Read more](https://www.staatsarchiv.bs.ch/ueber-uns/grundlagen/geschichte-stabs.html)"@eng . . _:Bd8a4e7d5ba510982b080fe10126977c7 . "Staatsarchiv Basel-Stadt" . "See [here](https://www.staatsarchiv.bs.ch/benutzung/dienstleistungen/reproduktionen.html)"@eng . . . "stabs@bs.ch" . "+41 (61) 267 6571" . _:B347af79df36aba26383dd3910ed246a5 . _:B1bfec8dbcaed5401af1a176098cbfca4 . _:B83443fc6fecf7bd638523967e19a7557 . _:Be1101e3703b880ce7bc30af7578bb353 . _:Be1101e3703b880ce7bc30af7578bb353 "Martingasse 2, Alexandria" . _:Be1101e3703b880ce7bc30af7578bb353 . _:Be1101e3703b880ce7bc30af7578bb353 "47.55642, 7.58876" . _:Be1101e3703b880ce7bc30af7578bb353 "CH-4001" . _:Be1101e3703b880ce7bc30af7578bb353 "Basel-City" . _:Be1101e3703b880ce7bc30af7578bb353 . _:Be1101e3703b880ce7bc30af7578bb353 . _:Be1101e3703b880ce7bc30af7578bb353 . _:B83443fc6fecf7bd638523967e19a7557 "StABS" . _:B83443fc6fecf7bd638523967e19a7557 . _:B347af79df36aba26383dd3910ed246a5 "State Archive of the City of Basel" . _:B347af79df36aba26383dd3910ed246a5 . _:B1bfec8dbcaed5401af1a176098cbfca4 "Staatsarchiv Basel-Stadt" . _:B1bfec8dbcaed5401af1a176098cbfca4 . _:Bd8a4e7d5ba510982b080fe10126977c7 "See [here](https://www.staatsarchiv.bs.ch/ueber-uns/grundlagen/auftrag.html)"@eng . _:Bd8a4e7d5ba510982b080fe10126977c7 .