_:Befe2e0c6ea6733790bab7ef8cedcddfe "Library and Archives Canada" . _:Befe2e0c6ea6733790bab7ef8cedcddfe . _:Befe2e0c6ea6733790bab7ef8cedcddfe . "Library and Archives Canada" . "+613-996-5115" . "+613-995-6274" . . . "Library and Archives Canada preserves and makes accessible the documentary heritage of Canada. It also serves as the continuing memory of the Government of Canada and its institutions. This heritage includes publications, archival records, sound and audio-visual materials, photographs, artworks, and electronic documents."@eng . _:Bf4813ab21dbe27972b94c729871f8933 . "Details about services and fees are available [here](https://library-archives.canada.ca/eng/services/public/copy-services/Pages/copy-services.aspx)"@eng . _:Ba81639ef552fc37b755c762b32ee64b4 . . "Research Guide to Holocaust-related Holdings at Library and Archives Canada: \r\n- https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/holocaust/Pages/holocaust-research-guide.aspx \r\n- or access this guide via the A-Z list of tools and guides at the following link: https://library-archives.canada.ca/eng/collection/research-help/all-tools-guides/Pages/all-tools-guides.aspx. You can then start typing “Holocaust” in the box at the top next to ‘Filter items’ and you’ll see this guide in the list."@eng . "reference@bac-lac.gc.ca" . _:Bf4813ab21dbe27972b94c729871f8933 "Library and Archives Canada (LAC) combines the holdings, services and staff of both the former National Library of Canada and the National Archives of Canada. As outlined in the Preamble to the Library and Archives of Canada Act, LAC’s mandate is as follows:\r\n\r\nto preserve the documentary heritage of Canada for the benefit of present and future generations;\r\nto be a source of enduring knowledge accessible to all, contributing to the cultural, social and economic advancement of Canada as a free and democratic society;\r\nto facilitate in Canada co-operation among communities involved in the acquisition, preservation and diffusion of knowledge;\r\nto serve as the continuing memory of the Government of Canada and its institutions."@eng . _:Bf4813ab21dbe27972b94c729871f8933 . _:Ba81639ef552fc37b755c762b32ee64b4 "395 Wellington St. , Madison" . _:Ba81639ef552fc37b755c762b32ee64b4 . _:Ba81639ef552fc37b755c762b32ee64b4 "45.419803, -75.708098" . _:Ba81639ef552fc37b755c762b32ee64b4 "K1A0N4" . _:Ba81639ef552fc37b755c762b32ee64b4 "Ontario" . _:Ba81639ef552fc37b755c762b32ee64b4 . _:Ba81639ef552fc37b755c762b32ee64b4 . _:Ba81639ef552fc37b755c762b32ee64b4 .