_:B29cf1cde25984a373f65fc520a511ec5 "CIJR" . _:B29cf1cde25984a373f65fc520a511ec5 . _:B0e5d94e1042495f0af9ed50393246a87 "P.O. Box 175, Station H, New York" . _:B0e5d94e1042495f0af9ed50393246a87 . _:B0e5d94e1042495f0af9ed50393246a87 "H3G 2K7" . _:B0e5d94e1042495f0af9ed50393246a87 "Quebec" . _:B0e5d94e1042495f0af9ed50393246a87 . _:B0e5d94e1042495f0af9ed50393246a87 . _:B0e5d94e1042495f0af9ed50393246a87 . "The Canadian Institute for Jewish Research (CIJR) is an independent and internationally-respected academic think-tank based in Montreal and Toronto. It is unique in bringing the results of its research activities–focused mainly on Israel-, Middle East-, and Jewish-community-related issues–directly and quickly to the public, Jewish and non-Jewish, to students, and to the media and government."@eng . . "cijr@isranet.org" . "The purpose of the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research ’s respected volunteer academic Fellows and trained lay people is three-fold: to strengthen public and student understanding of Jewish Israel as a unique democratic society in its difficult Middle Eastern context; to throw light on antisemitism and key Jewish-world issues generally; and to play a pivotal role in ensuring Jewish continuity by working with students, on- and off-campus."@eng . "+514-486-5544" . _:B5d70c4202b72246ccde8fc794b54af46 . _:B29cf1cde25984a373f65fc520a511ec5 . "+613-486-8284" . . . "Canadian Institute for Jewish Research" . _:B0e5d94e1042495f0af9ed50393246a87 . _:B5d70c4202b72246ccde8fc794b54af46 "Canadian Institute for Jewish Research" . _:B5d70c4202b72246ccde8fc794b54af46 .