_:B8c8ab5d332ade10d6854ce25d1b6ead1 "Museum of Jewish Resistance in Novogrudok" . _:B8c8ab5d332ade10d6854ce25d1b6ead1 . _:Bc5519b47f120c62122722ca44dcbea29 "Grodnenskaya, 2, Ljubljana" . _:Bc5519b47f120c62122722ca44dcbea29 . _:Bc5519b47f120c62122722ca44dcbea29 "53.5925140380859, 25.8285350799561" . _:Bc5519b47f120c62122722ca44dcbea29 "231400"^^ . _:Bc5519b47f120c62122722ca44dcbea29 "Grodno" . _:Bc5519b47f120c62122722ca44dcbea29 . _:Bc5519b47f120c62122722ca44dcbea29 . _:Bc5519b47f120c62122722ca44dcbea29 . _:Bfc37949cb34c8ab3d54c4174b9b1e46d "Музей еврейского сопротивления на Новогрудчине" . _:Bfc37949cb34c8ab3d54c4174b9b1e46d . _:Bc5519b47f120c62122722ca44dcbea29 . "+375 1597 21470" . _:B8c8ab5d332ade10d6854ce25d1b6ead1 . _:Bfc37949cb34c8ab3d54c4174b9b1e46d . . "The memorial exhibition devoted to the Jewish resistance in the area of Novogrudok during the Holocaust was opened in the town of Novogrudok, 64, Minskaya street on July 24, 2007. The exhibition is situated in one of the buildings of the vocational school # 193 which used to be a living barrack for ghetto prisoners during the war. It is about the tragedy that took away lives of 90% of the Novogrudok Jewish community members (there had been more than 6000 people in it before the war) and about unprecedented resistance to the Nazi policy of annihilation of those who remained alive after the four massacres.\r\nThe memorial exhibition includes two rooms with the reconstructed barrack interior and the exhibition with the reconstructed tunnel entrance. The exhibition presents organizers and participants of the tunnel construction, it contains names and information available about all the prisoners who escaped through the tunnel. The Bielski detachment as part of the Soviet partisan movement (Baranovichi underground Central committee of the Communist Party of (Bolsheviks) Belarus), local citizens who helped Jews to survive the Holocaust, other participants of the resistance movement – Soviet and Polish – with whom Bielski partisans were in contact are presented as well.\r\n\r\nThere is a memorial sign, several buildings where there used to be workshops for the ghetto prisoners and a well on the territory of the memorial site."@eng . "Музей еврейского сопротивления на Новогрудчине" . . .