_:B34cbe685a55144806c252ae99f71c256 "1 Vrabcha St., Bordeaux" . _:B34cbe685a55144806c252ae99f71c256 . _:B34cbe685a55144806c252ae99f71c256 "42.6975401, 23.3308723" . _:B34cbe685a55144806c252ae99f71c256 "1000"^^ . _:B34cbe685a55144806c252ae99f71c256 . _:B34cbe685a55144806c252ae99f71c256 . _:B34cbe685a55144806c252ae99f71c256 . . "003592 8004500" . "003592 8004506" . _:Be89b3ab7070b09b94c5a97173220cd6d . _:Ba7becfb4427bd8bfe8220944a174175e . _:Bacf9deff85ae0723d2fe1b1858066d04 . "The archives of the Committee includes confidential files from the funds of the archives of the Bulgarian former secret services."@eng . _:B34cbe685a55144806c252ae99f71c256 . "An application form according to the type of information that is requested must be submitted. After an inspection of the application and in case that relevant materials are found an employee from Citizens Service Department has to notify the applicant in written form or by phone about the date of examination of document(s). \r\nThe period for examination the document(s) is 30 days from the date of notification.\r\nFor research and publicist activities, an applicant may request access to use the reading room for one year with a single form. The one-year period starts from the date of notification. "@eng . "info@comdos.bg" . . "Archiv na Komisiata po dosietata" . "The Committee was created in 2007 as part of the attempts for disclosure of the involvement of Bulgarian Nationals with the former State Security Services. "@eng . . _:Ba7becfb4427bd8bfe8220944a174175e "State Security Archives" . _:Ba7becfb4427bd8bfe8220944a174175e . _:Bacf9deff85ae0723d2fe1b1858066d04 "Arhives of the Committee for Disclosing the Documents and Announcing Affiliation of Bulgarian citizens to the State Security and the Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian National Army" . _:Bacf9deff85ae0723d2fe1b1858066d04 . _:Be89b3ab7070b09b94c5a97173220cd6d "Archiv na Komisiata po dosietata" . _:Be89b3ab7070b09b94c5a97173220cd6d .