_:Ba226d1bf13fcfc8fd94d937d841851ed "The past directors of the archive were: Dimitar Stoylov (1960–1960), Elektra Kazakova (1960–1961), Gocho Doychev (1961–1962), Nikola Kirov (1962–1970), Todor Ingilizov (1970–1983), Ivan Stefanov (1983–1992)."@eng . _:Ba226d1bf13fcfc8fd94d937d841851ed . _:Baad0758d2779452014df7d23646762e8 "Държавен архив – Кърджали" . _:Baad0758d2779452014df7d23646762e8 . _:B8baa90feda92ff8170e6d06bdc930b74 "Durzhaven arhiv - Kurdzhali" . _:B8baa90feda92ff8170e6d06bdc930b74 "Kurdzhali State Archive" . _:B8baa90feda92ff8170e6d06bdc930b74 . _:Bf98d57c7d5042f9ef63af399dff6ff53 "3 Sofronii Vrachanski Street, Yevlax" . _:Bf98d57c7d5042f9ef63af399dff6ff53 . _:Bf98d57c7d5042f9ef63af399dff6ff53 "41.6451282, 25.3647852" . _:Bf98d57c7d5042f9ef63af399dff6ff53 "6600"^^ . _:Bf98d57c7d5042f9ef63af399dff6ff53 . _:Bf98d57c7d5042f9ef63af399dff6ff53 . _:Bf98d57c7d5042f9ef63af399dff6ff53 . . _:Baad0758d2779452014df7d23646762e8 . . "+359 888653645 - mobile" . "The Kurdzhali State Archive is a division within the Regional State Archives of Plovdiv Directorate. It manages the selection, acquisition, registration, processing, preservation and provision for use of the documents identified for permanent storage, which come from the district administration, the municipalities of the Kurdzhali district, of the territorial structures of the state bodies and of other state and municipal institutions, organisations and important figures with local significance. The archive is also responsible for scientific and methodological guidance and control over the organisation, preservation and work with documents in the archival services."@eng . "As of January 2018, the archive contained 3,267 archival collections (112,165 archival units)."@eng . . "State Archive in Kurdzhali was created in 1960 as a division of the County Directorate of the Ministry of Interior, Kurdzhali, in accordance with the Decree 515 of the Presidium of the National Assembly and the Decree 344 of the Council of Ministers dated 18th April 1952. After 1961, it was subordinate to the People’s County Council of Kurdzhali and as of 1988 it was integrated within the structure of the Municipality of Kurdzhali. In 1992, it passed under the direct governance of the General Department of Archives at the Council of Ministers. In 1978, it received the status of a directorate, but was reformed and became a division of the Regional State Archives of Plovdiv Directorate in 2010."@eng . . . _:Ba226d1bf13fcfc8fd94d937d841851ed . "kardzhali@archives.government.bg" . "+359 361 62778 – head of division" . . _:B8baa90feda92ff8170e6d06bdc930b74 . . . _:Bf98d57c7d5042f9ef63af399dff6ff53 . "Държавен архив – Кърджали" .