_:Bd51a2e4b8e0a90894291c1a90842cedc "De Meeussquare 29, Ottawa" . _:Bd51a2e4b8e0a90894291c1a90842cedc . _:Bd51a2e4b8e0a90894291c1a90842cedc "50.84059, 4.37009" . _:Bd51a2e4b8e0a90894291c1a90842cedc "1000"^^ . _:Bd51a2e4b8e0a90894291c1a90842cedc "Brussels Capital" . _:Bd51a2e4b8e0a90894291c1a90842cedc . _:Bd51a2e4b8e0a90894291c1a90842cedc . _:Bd51a2e4b8e0a90894291c1a90842cedc . _:B02e85d27eeb493ce2cf5de9f896c7c1c "Union professionnelle des Entreprises d'Assurances / Beroepsvereniging der Verzekeringsondernemingen" . _:B02e85d27eeb493ce2cf5de9f896c7c1c . _:B16fffc2804f21549042c59028db8eff8 . _:B16fffc2804f21549042c59028db8eff8 . "Union professionnelle des Entreprises d'Assurances / Beroepsvereniging der Verzekeringsondernemingen" . "In 1920, the Federatie der Verzekeringsmaatschappijen was founded.\r\n\r\nFrom this, the Beroepsvereniging der Verzekeringsondernemingen (BVVO), in French Union professionnelle des entreprises d'assurances (UPEA), was formed in 1947. In 2004, under the chairmanship of Claude Desseille, it was transformed into Assuralia."@eng . . _:B02e85d27eeb493ce2cf5de9f896c7c1c . _:B16fffc2804f21549042c59028db8eff8 . "+32 2 547 57 98 (Documentatiedienst)" . "+32 25 47 56 11" . "A photocopy machine is provided."@eng . . "The documentation service is available to Assuralia members.\r\n\r\nThe library contains some 6,000 titles. Apart from insurance, they also cover other subjects such as law, taxation, economics, finance, etc.\r\n\r\nThe documentation service also subscribes to about a hundred journals, from which about a thousand interesting articles are selected for indexing every year."@eng . . "Assuralia is the Professional Association of Insurance Companies and represents almost all Belgian and foreign insurance companies operating on the Belgian market. "@eng . "+32 25 47 56 00" . _:Bd51a2e4b8e0a90894291c1a90842cedc . "The library is accessible by appointment only on 02/547.57.98."@eng . _:B32f099fc2e94a0193eed5933e97d4e16 . "info@assuralia.be" . _:B32f099fc2e94a0193eed5933e97d4e16 "Assuralia" . _:B32f099fc2e94a0193eed5933e97d4e16 .