_:B7b856151cb03cd1c245f1e72d4aa507c "Archives of the Catholic University of Louvain" . _:B7b856151cb03cd1c245f1e72d4aa507c . _:Be012d50061b3446a8f4a7e47f9ce55c9 "Place Montesquieu 3, Brussels" . _:Be012d50061b3446a8f4a7e47f9ce55c9 . _:Be012d50061b3446a8f4a7e47f9ce55c9 "50.66822, 4.61139" . _:Be012d50061b3446a8f4a7e47f9ce55c9 "1348"^^ . _:Be012d50061b3446a8f4a7e47f9ce55c9 "Wallonia" . _:Be012d50061b3446a8f4a7e47f9ce55c9 . _:Be012d50061b3446a8f4a7e47f9ce55c9 . _:Be012d50061b3446a8f4a7e47f9ce55c9 . _:Bb520d69bc5788b7900e48e2f6d4bd29a "Creation of the archives was due to the decision of the Administrative Council on 29 April 1981. "@eng . _:Bb520d69bc5788b7900e48e2f6d4bd29a . . . "The reproduction of documents is authorised (photocopies and digital copies) for private or scientific use. A photocopier (€0.05 per black and white photocopy, €0.10 for colour) and a scanner are available for readers, subject to authorisation from the archivists. High quality reproductions may be made by the Archives under certain conditions."@eng . _:Bb520d69bc5788b7900e48e2f6d4bd29a . _:B7b856151cb03cd1c245f1e72d4aa507c . _:B730edfdbc897044d3449bfc6d7693d63 . . . . "The Archives of UCLouvain hold many different types of documents (texts, photographs, visual and audiovisual, but also objects) in paper and digital form. They include: \r\n\r\n - Fonds and collections regarding the former University of Louvain (1425-1797), the State University of Louvain (1817-1835) and the Unitary Catholic University of Louvain (1834-1968) given to UCLouvain according to the agreement with KUL.\r\n\r\n- Archives generated by the Catholic University of Louvain since 1968 (archives of the education office, central administration, faculty administration, archives of the institutions and research centres. \r\n\r\n- Personal archives (donated by professors, students or persons affiliated with the university), isolated pieces received or gained. \r\n\r\n- Documents holding their very own cultural value (collection of manuscripts, external fonds regarding various subject not linked with the university. \r\n\r\n- Several fonds from the Center for the Study of Contemporary European History/Centre d'études d'histoire de l'Europe contemporaine de l'UCLouvain (CEHEC) have been donated. \r\n\r\n- Documents with their own cultural value (manuscript collections, so-called\"externa\" collections on various subjects not related to the University).\r\n\r\nThe entirety of the archives are held in fonds and collections.\r\n\r\n**The Fonds**\r\n\r\nThe Archives hold fonds that can be divided into four distinct categories:\r\n\r\n- Fonds of the institution (FI) which cover UCLouvain and its members. This fonds holds documentation concerning the administration of the niversity as well as student life (student associations) and its members (professors, researchers, administrative staff or students). Some fonds have been donated by private persons, others are administrative fonds which are regularly donated by university departments. \r\n\r\n- The external fonds (FE) comprise documents donated to the Archives of UCLouvain by institutions and private persons who do not have a direct relation to the history of the university, but whose documents are important to preserve. \r\n\r\n- The deposited fonds (FD) are those fonds which have been donated by UCLouvain or other entities to the Archives so that their preservation can be ensured and so that they can be made easily accessible to visitors in the Archives' reading room. However, it is important to note that the entities who deposited their collection with the Archives retain their rights over the documents (and ownership in the case of third parties at UCLouvain) and they are responsible for issuing consultation authorisations.\r\n\r\n- The managed fonds (FG) are fonds that are not held by the archive of UCLouvain, but for which the Archives are also partly responsible, in co-management with other entities. \r\n\r\n**The Collections**\r\n\r\nDocuments related to UCLouvain as well as external documents that have no link to UCLouvain can be found in the Archives' collections.\r\n\r\nOne collection of particular importance includes documents related to the workings of UCLouvain and holds directories and study programs of UCLouvain from 1834, regulations, official reports, publications, etc. It also holds bio-bibliography files on professors. The other collections hold visual and audiovisual documents, courses (since 17th Century), folders, newspapers, paintings, etchings, scientific objects, educational material, certificates, medallions, flags, emblems, furniture, clothes, manuscripts and papyri. \r\n\r\n**The Libraries**\r\n\r\nThe Archives have two distinct libraries: \r\n\r\n - The History of the Universities of Louvain Library\r\n - The Archival Library\r\n"@eng . _:Be012d50061b3446a8f4a7e47f9ce55c9 . "The Catholic University of Louvain created an archival centre in 1982 following the decision of the Administrative Council on 29 April 1981. The creation of the archives were necessary after fonds and collections divided between UCLouvain and KUL were brought on in 1979, which is also the year that UCLouvain definitively moved to Louvain-la-Neuve and Louvain-en-Woluwe."@eng . "archives@uclouvain.be" . "Archives de l'Université catholique de Louvain" . "+32 10 47 48 84" . "Entry to the archives is free after registration, ask an archivist. A piece of identity is required. The consultation of fonds and collections is done in the reading room and is subjected to the regulations of the archives. The regulations can be found here: \r\n\r\nhttps://uclouvain.be/fr/decouvrir/archives/reglement-d-ordre-interieur.html\r\n\r\nThe consultation of documents is only possible after submitting a request for consultation and within the legal limits, especially regarding privacy. The archives of the administration of the UCL are only accessible after authorisation from the department or the creator.\r\n\r\nThe loan of documents is prohibited unless it is for an exposition. In this case, specific conditions apply. \r\n"@eng . _:B730edfdbc897044d3449bfc6d7693d63 "Archives de l'Université catholique de Louvain" . _:B730edfdbc897044d3449bfc6d7693d63 .