Archives de l'Auditorat général (Collège des Procureurs généraux) / Archieven van het Auditoraat-generaal (College van Procureurs-generaal) an entity of type: CorporateBody

Archives de l'Auditorat général (Collège des Procureurs généraux) / Archieven van het Auditoraat-generaal (College van Procureurs-generaal) 
The judicial archives contain information relating to post-World War II legal proceedings concerning wartime activities. The archive holds the case files of people, groups (such as"Felix Lauterborn&C") and organisations prosecuted for collaboration, not only on Belgian citizens, but also, for example, on German SIPO-SD or Militärvervaltung representatives. In Dutch, these files are known as the"repressiearchieve"). These archives constitute important and rich sources for examining the collaboration and repression and have formed the basis of many studies on these topics. 
A specific approval might be required in order to acces the Archives. 

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Archives de l'Auditorat général (Collège des Procureurs généraux) / Archieven van het Auditoraat-generaal (College van Procureurs-generaal) 
Archives of the former Chief Military Prosecutor's Office 

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