_:Bb29767453339be8e2772eea0ec566aae "Nationalfonds und Allgemeiner Entschädigungsfonds" . _:Bb29767453339be8e2772eea0ec566aae . _:Be0ad34abaf6aee655d66ee64cb0459c5 "Parliament A-1017, Kirchberggasse 33 (post address: Parlament, Dr. Karl Renner Ring 3, A1017 Wien), Wien" . _:Be0ad34abaf6aee655d66ee64cb0459c5 . _:Be0ad34abaf6aee655d66ee64cb0459c5 "48.2044284, 16.3554854" . _:Be0ad34abaf6aee655d66ee64cb0459c5 "A-1070" . _:Be0ad34abaf6aee655d66ee64cb0459c5 . _:Be0ad34abaf6aee655d66ee64cb0459c5 . _:Be0ad34abaf6aee655d66ee64cb0459c5 . "The “National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism“ was founded by the National Council in 1995 to make payments to victims of National Socialism in recognition of Austria’s special moral responsibility towards them. The object of the Fund, which was established by Federal Law, is to make payments to victims of National Socialism in recognition of Austria’s special moral responsibility towards them. Since its establishment approximately 30000 claimants have received what has been referred to as symbolic payments in recognition of the injustice they suffered as victims of National Socialism. \r\n\r\nIn the course of time further tasks were entrusted to the National Fund, partly on the basis of the Washington Agreement of 2001, to compensate property losses–rental income, household furnishings and personal valuables. Apart from symbolic and compensatory payments the Fund also deals, under the “Looted Art Restitution Act“, with looted works of art for which no claim of inheritance has been established and devotes itself, through project promotion and PR activities, to awareness-building regarding the NS era and its consequences. The General Settlement Fund for Victims of National Socialism: Established in 2001 to solve unresolved settlement issues. In 2001 another Federal Law was passed on the basis of the Washington Agreement, creating the General Settlement Fund for Victims of National Socialism. Its object was to develop general solutions to resolve as yet unresolved settlement issues. It allowed compensation claims for loss of business assets, real estate (unless restituted in kind–in rem restitution), capital assets, movable property (unless covered by rental loss compensation through the National Fund), occupational and educational losses and other losses or damage incurred. In rem restitution of real estate. The Washington Agreement provided for in rem restitution (i.e. the actual return of the property into the hands of its original owners or their heirs) of real estate looted by the NS regime and currently held as public property. In addition, the law envisages the restitution of movable property to Jewish communities. Provisions relating to in rem restitution form the second focal point, apart from compensation payments of the Settlement Fund Law. \r\n\r\nImplementing Organs:\r\nThe Board of Trustees and the Secretary General are the joint organs of the National Fund and the General Settlement Fund. Applications to the National Fund are decided by its Committee, while applications to the General Settlement Fund are handled by the independent Claims Committee, and applications for in rem restitution by an independent arbitration panel. The Board of Trustees is composed of the three Presidents of the National Council, representatives of the Federal Government and further members elected by the National Council Main Committee, including representatives of victims’associations and religious communities. The Board is chaired by the President of the National Council."@eng . _:Be0ad34abaf6aee655d66ee64cb0459c5 . "43-1-408-1263" . _:B7ca7c114f65f6802208ea71c540c45ff . _:Bb29767453339be8e2772eea0ec566aae . "Among others contains restitution- and/or compensation-related materials."@eng . . "Nationalfonds und Allgemeiner Entschädigungsfonds" . "Sekretariat@nationalfonds.org" . . . "43-1-310-0088" . _:B7ca7c114f65f6802208ea71c540c45ff "National Fund and General Settlement Fund" . _:B7ca7c114f65f6802208ea71c540c45ff .