_:B0818cbae2be6f41aa14d04a1bdd35a2a "Collections of the Mauthausen Memorial" . _:B0818cbae2be6f41aa14d04a1bdd35a2a . _:B0818cbae2be6f41aa14d04a1bdd35a2a . . . "Sammlungen der KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen" . "+43 1 376 3000-121" . . "The Mauthausen Archive holds camp administration documents, important sources on inmates, post-war trial documentation, photos, videos, and audio recordings relating to the camp's history and the experiences of its inmates. Although some of the archival materials regarding Mauthausen still remain dispersed throughout Europe [see History], the Mauthausen Memorial photo archive and library also contain many relevant records. The library holds 5,000 monographs and articles, which exhibits information on the history of the camp as well as the history of other camps, and information on Nazism in general."@eng . _:B847d1618b316d9c89eb615904e59d2ea . _:B76e4532be21759802c668cfafb0be844 . "collections@mauthausen-memorial.org" . "In the 1960s, work began to collect records and materials on the history of Mauthausen, former Nazi concentration camp. Mauthausen has a relatively large amount of original documentation that managed to survive the war. Such documents have over the years been dispersed among various organizations, archives and people, used as evidence for several war crime trials and for individual research. An effort to consolidate some of this material shall be made by the Mauthausen Memorial.The Mauthausen Memorial archive and library were in the Federal Ministry of Interior in Vienna. Since 2017 the Mauthausen Memorial is separated from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, and it is now a Federal Institution under Public Law"@eng . _:B847d1618b316d9c89eb615904e59d2ea "Argentinierstraße 13, Givat Ram" . _:B847d1618b316d9c89eb615904e59d2ea . _:B847d1618b316d9c89eb615904e59d2ea "48.1964, 16.37261" . _:B847d1618b316d9c89eb615904e59d2ea "1040"^^ . _:B847d1618b316d9c89eb615904e59d2ea "Wien" . _:B847d1618b316d9c89eb615904e59d2ea . _:B847d1618b316d9c89eb615904e59d2ea . _:B847d1618b316d9c89eb615904e59d2ea . _:B76e4532be21759802c668cfafb0be844 "Sammlungen der KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen" . _:B76e4532be21759802c668cfafb0be844 .