. . "Pauline Buchenholz memoirs"@eng . "Pauline Buchenholz (1913-2001) was born in Przemyśl, Poland to David and Helene Schneider. She lived in Kraków with her parents and her brother Henry (b. approximately 1919) and her sister Stella (b. approximately 1922). Her family was ordered into the Kraków ghetto in June 1941, and her parents were deported in 1942 and killed. In March 1943, the Kraków ghetto was liquidated and she and her sister were transferred to the Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp, where she met her future husband, Kurt Buchenholz. She was transferred to the Skarżysko-Kamienna labor camp in November 1943 and to the Hasag-Leipzig labor camp in August 1944. She was evacuated on a death march in April 1945, liberated by Russian soldiers, and reunited with Kurt at Theresienstadt. The couple were married, stayed for about a year at the Deggendorf Displaced Persons Camp, and immigrated to the United States in June 1946."@eng . "Pauline Buchenholz memoirs"@eng . .