. . "Rena Berliner papers"@eng . "Rena Berliner was born Rena Schönthal in 1925 in Lvov (now Lviv, Ukraine) to Salomon Schönthal (1890-1943) and Klara Rapp Schönthal. Her family lived in the ghetto in Lvov from 1941-1943, but after her father died, she and her mother went into hiding in Warsaw using false papers. After liberation, they spent several months in Krakow before being smuggled into Germany with the help of the Bricha. They lived at the Neu Freimann displaced persons camp from 1945-1949, and Berliner studied at the Händel-Konservatorium in Munich. She founded a Yiddish cultural organization consisting of music students that traveled among the displaced persons camps giving performances."@eng . "Rena Berliner papers"@eng . .